Chp. 5

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Yula's pov
Towards the end of the day I was exhausted, I just wanted to go home and read. But apparently luck wasn't on my side today.

"Sup bitch, I see you've made friends with Yami-senpai" a blond said while pinning me between her and the lockers. "I'm sorry, but what did I do?" I asked the angry blond in front of me, but that only earned me a slap across the face. The blonds minions started to cack like the hideous hyenas they were. "No one told you to talk slut" The blond spat in my face. "Ok then if you don't mind, would you at least tell me what my attackers name is. Oh if it's not to much for you to talk to a slut like me" I said back sweetly, batting my eyes for more effect.

"Why you little-" the blond said as she raised her and up to slap me again but was stopped by a pale hand that held hers. "Merrisa, do I need to have you suspended for attacking my friend" said a deep sexy voice that would send shivers down any girls (or guys) spine. I looked up from the Merrisa and was met with deep crimson pools that held concern within them. "Y-Yami? What are you doing here, you usually leave earlier" Merrisa said, fear evident in her quivering voice.

"Well I was gonna ask Yula if she wanted me to walk her home but I guess we'll have to make a detour to the principals office" Yami said as he started to pull the Merrisa in the opposite direction and kindly guided me in the same direction, Merrisa's minions following close behind us.

Normal pov
The group of teens made their way into the main office where Yula had been earlier in the day. "Hello how may I-" the lady behind the table stopped mid sentence as she looked up from her papers. "Yula, what are you doing here" Lisa said shocked to find the new foreign exchange student with the schools female bully and the schools hottest male. "Hi Ms.Lisa" Yula said shyly as She raised her hand to give a slight wave.

"I'm sorry for interruption you but before I was going to leave school I found Merrisa slapping Yula while calling her a bitch and a slut" Yami said as he let go of Merrisa's hand as if holding it any longer would kill him. But he still hadn't let go of the smaller girl standing to his left.

"Is this true Yula" the older lady asked as The smaller girl looked at the ground and nodded a small yes. "Oh I'm sorry honey, Thank you very much Yami for reporting this immediately" Ms.Lisa said to Yami who gave a small nod in return.

"And you Merrisa, are suspended for a week and when you come back you shall have two months of lunch detention" the older lady said towards the stuck up teen with a disappointed look in her eyes. "WHAT! But I spend my lunch time fixing my makeup" Merrisa shouted utterly shocked at her predicament. "Well now you can use your lunch time to raise up your grades. the school year has only just started and you already have six zeros and two incomplete projects" as Ms.Lisa was saying this Merrisa just rolled her eyes and started chewing on her tongue. "You two may leave, thank you" Ms.Lisa said to both of the innocent teens.

"Bye Ms.Lisa" Yula says as she and Yami exit out of the office. "Um, t-thanks for helping me back there" Yula said, a slight blush on her cheeks as her head was down casted to the floor. "It's no problem, so how's your cheek" Yami asked as he came to a stop in front of Yula and slowly lifted her face up by his right pointed finger.

"M-my cheek stopped h-hurting a while ago" Yula stuttered, utterly attracted to Yami's gorgeous crimson pools that stared into her purple and pink eyes. Yami's face then started leaning in closer to Yula's so that their faces were only centimeters apart. but before Yami could close the distance Yula yanked her face back, disappointing the red eyed man. "So thank you for helping me but I really must go now" the small teen said before she ran down the hall and exited the school.
A/N: 'Hello my fellow readers. I was wondering if any of you guys would want me to make a Yugioh one shot book. I will try to put as many different whippings as possible. so leave your opinion in the comments below, and if enough people like the idea then I'll start making the chapters.'

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