Chp. 12

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{A/N: Warning!!! There will be a lemon!!! Boy x Girl!!!!! Read at your own risk!!!! You have been warned!!! Although they will not finish completely}

Normal pov
Yula walked down the streets of Domino City, it was late at night and was raining heavily. The rain dropping like bullets on her bruised and battered skin. She held her right arm with her left, trying to put pressure on the large gapping wound that bled profusely.

As she finally made her way to the little game shop her grandfather owned it was almost midnight. She used her spare keys to unlock and lock the door, she quietly made her way up stairs into the living room.

She was only a few feet away from the stairs, she would have been able to make it to her room undetected until a deep voice sounded from the dark room. "Your back late" the voice belonged to none other than Yami. The pharaoh stood from his sitting position in the dark and slowly made his way towards the now shaking  girl.

"Yami I can explain-..." But the young girl was cut off by the others loud, but soft, firm , but quiet voice. "Look at you, your covered in bruises. I guess I'll have to fix you up" Yami said as he proceeded to walk towards the girls small frame. Once he reached her he then picked her up bridal style causing the younger to 'yelp' in surprise.

The warmth radiating from the others firm chest was almost like a blanket for the smaller as she curled even closer to the pharaohs chest, softly nuzzling it as the older made his way up the stairs and into his own room. Promptly locking it as he closed the door.

He placed the young one on his bed as he made his way towards the bathroom that was located in his room. When he came back the site he saw could have sent many others over the edge. Yula laid on the bed, her legs separated but her knees came towards each other as if to act like a shield so others wouldn't be able to see the 'treasure' that it hid, her arms slightly above her head, her hair stuck in places on her face from the mix of perspiration and rain water, her mouth slightly parted as so you could see the saliva that was stuck in strings connecting the open spaces of her mouth as a bit of saliva also slid from the right side of her mouth, her head tilted slightly to the right as a blush crept to her cheeks slightly turning them pink, and her eyes half open as the dark room only added to her beauty.

Yami slid the first aid kit from his hands to the ground as he finally was able to escape her trance, he applied bandages to her wounds disinfecting the worser ones. As Yami slid Yula's jacket off he finally saw the big gapping gash from her shoulder to her elbow. The pharaoh took out a thread and needle from the first aid kit.

He slowly tied a knot at the and of the string as he brought it towards the girls arm, as he slowly stitched her arm up without any pain killers Yula released sounds that were not mostly heard of in times of pain. "Ahh, Ugh" if anyone were to hear the sounds that came out of her mouth they would have been sent off the edge.

It proved even more difficult to concentrate on what was in front of him. The sound of the rain hitting the roof and glass was a symphony when combined with the sweet sounds that could only be described as pleasurable moans that came from Yula's mouth. Although the action that made this young girl produce these sounds were not sexual actions at all.

As Yami finished disinfecting and stitching the girl up he sat in front of the now panting girl.

~~~~Hours before~~~~~
"Yami I'm not sure that girl is completely safe. You shouldn't be around her" came the worried voice of Seto Kaiba, it proved more difficult than expected to convince the young male what was right.

"I don't care Seto, I love her no matter what shall happen" the sound of the pharaohs irritated voice could be heard from the other line. "I don't want to loose my only chance" , "Please pharaoh, just think this through. She might try to cause harm to you" Seto pleaded with his cousin. "I have, and I will not stop loving her" the sound of lightning striking could be heard in the background as it began to pour outside.

As the pharaoh finally hung up, leaving his words to hang in the air in his absence. The former priest said but one final sentence. "I hope you know what you're doing pharaoh"


(Lemon Alert)

"My what naughty sounds you can make, I wonder if I can discover more" the pharaoh said as he was now on top of the girl, whispering and licking her ear. "Ahh, Ugh... Y-Yami.... W-what are y-you doing" the small girl moaned in longing, her head slowly moving as so he could get a good look at her surprisingly white skin.

Nipping and biting at the girls neck promptly leaving purple marks where ever his mouth had been, he slowly makes his way down to her shirt. "Lets get rid of these pesky things" the pharaoh said before he effortlessly yanked the shirt above the girls head and throwing it somewhere towards the door.

The pharaoh then started to trace his lips around the edge of Yula's midnight black bra. "Ahh" Yula moaned in lust and want as the pharaoh slid his hands underneath the girls back as he slowly undid the clip connecting the two support straps. As the bra soon became loos it slid off to the side.

Yami leaned back as to get a good look, staring at the pale skin but some parts of Yula's body were covered in dark purple bruises unlike the ones that the pharaoh made along her neck. As the pharaoh leaned forward he moved his left hand slowly up Yula's stomach towards her chest, he softly started to move and twist the girls now hard nipple in between his pointer and thumb finger.

Yula tried to stifle her moan of pleasure as Yami's other hand was slowly pulling down her skirt.

-(Time Skip)-

Yula laid in Yami's bed, facing in the direction of a wall, Yami's blankets draped over her naked form. She could not believe what had taken place just a few hours ago.

Yami also laid tired on his bed, the blankets covering his pelvis. The small girl climbed out of bed and got dressed in her clothes as, after she was done she walked down the hall to her own room promptly locking the door. She slid down the wall and pulled her knees towards her chest as she hugged her knees close. Rocking back and forth the girls small frame shook as she let her silent tears fall from her eyes. "What h-have I done" Yula said as she then past out on the ground. The dark only acting as a blanket as the moonlight glowed on her creamy white skin.
Words: 1291
Pages: 19
{A/N: I am sorry for those of you who did not like this story, I just had the sudden idea for it yesterday. So leave your response in the comments below. And for more stories by me just click on my profile at the very end of the chapter. And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye~ Bye~}

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