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{Zxod: grq'w eholhyh hyhuzwklqj zrx uhdg...}
Yula's pov 9/24/15 {A/N: My own journal entry of how I felt that day}

'Have you ever felt that you just wish time would stop'
   As Yula talked to her three friends another group made their way towards them.
'That feeling where you'd wish everyone would just disappear'
"Hello Yula, I see that you're still a thirsty little b*tch as always", Seto Kaiba owned the million dollar company known as Kaiba Corp (KC), but he was also known as the big a**hole in the world.
'That feeling when your life could just stop'
"Seto can you please just leave us alone" already depressed as it was he made it even worse.
   'If only someone would just kill me'
"Who gave the dirt beneath my feet the right to speak my first name" the 18yr old billionaire continued his assault of words.

    'If only my world would just stop spinning'
"You know what, if you hate me so much that it sounds like you wish that I'd just die then kill me" I pulled out a silver knife with a black grip and pressed it against where my heart would have been if it wasn't for the life I had.
  'If only I could start over'
"You're crazy, why would you say such a thing" surprised and shocked, Kaiba took a step back only making me take a step forward.
  'If only I was never born'
"I'm not crazy, I'm only suicidal because of a**holes like you. I never had a normal life" I said through sobs.
  'I can't take it anymore'
"Let's just talk" of course he'd try to convince me not to, that's why everyone loves him because he's Seto F*cking Kaiba.
   'I've suffered more than you think'
"NO! I've had enough of your bullsh*t. It'll either be your hand that wielded the bloody knife..... Or mine" I drew the knife forward and plunged the tip into my chest. Blood lightly leaked out of my wound.

   'If only I could start over again'
My body fell limp as my friends, Malik, Marik, and Bakura surrounded me as I closed my eyes for the final time.

Normal pov
As her dream continued on, a hard shake woke the sleeping teen from her nightmare of a truth. "Wake up whore its time to leave" Téa said as she recoiled her hands from Yula's shoulders, a look of disgust on her face. The tricolor haired teen rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she raised her head from the carpeted closet floor. 'What happened last night?'

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