Chapter 21 part.2

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Last time on Fake Identity: "But the question was, would her deal with a demon be allowed to be spoken to that of one who is not worthy of knowing. Only God could tell now, and for a sure thing God was not exactly on her side.

No, she had learned that oh so long ago. When this had all started.

~Time Skip~

As the afternoon approached the young teen knew that she wouldn't be able to hold up for long, three certain people were out looking for her right now. And she couldn't tell if she wanted to be found by them or not. So she made her way to the first place they would obviously look.

.Home. "

Normal pov
She had waited until the cover of darkness to make her move. She entered through the window of her bedroom. And as quickly as she could she grabbed her Dark Magician duffle bag and stuffed it with her clothes, phone, and millennium puzzle. As quickly and quietly as she could she ran down the stairs to the living room, she was almost towards the entrance to the game shop.

Until the light in the dark room had been turned on, stopping the teen in her path. "Where exactly do you plan to go, if I may ask" a deep baritone voice rang through the room as the teen just stood in the same spot. " '0y are you planning to answer or not" a Brooklyn accent broke the thick silence as the young teens shoulders slumped forward. Defeat written across her form.

"I think we deserve at least a few answers" was everyone in this one room?! The voice of the sarcastic Ceo rang out, the younger turned to face the others that sat in separate chairs in the living room. She had still yet to change her blood stained clothes, but it was expected since she was trying to run from all that she knew and all that she loved.

Her eyes dull, shoulders heavy, and a fake smile plastered across her face as she lifted her head from facing the ground. Her teeth showing through her on looking smile as her head tilted to the side slightly. "Ask, and you shall Receive young ones" Yula said as she dropped her bag on the floor and proceeded to bow in the direction of the gang.

A snicker could be heard from the group, the girls head flying up to look in the direction that the noise was heard from. "What's with the act, I didn't expect this to be a show" commented the brunette as he crossed one leg over the other, a snide look upon his face. "Oh but every show has an ending, and every show has a beginning. The question is if you decide to let the show go on, or let the curtains close" a smirk spread across the girls lips as her eyes moved from every persons face in the room.

It only took a few seconds for the next voice to break the silence, "Why did you really come to Japan?" Tristan had asked, it had been awhile since he last saw the teen and he was sure to catch up on what he had missed. "I traveled here in hopes of hiding from a past long since remembered and far from forgotten. Although with the way things turned out, I think I was far from done with my life" a distant look was in the teens eyes as her head turned to the side.

"Why exactly did you try to run from your past?" Joey, the second that night to ask another question of a touchy subject. "We run to get ahead, of our lives, fears, and insecurity. For me, I had to run to stay ahead of my death and death itself" . "How many people have you slept with" Téa geared at the teen who stood with an unamused expression, and with her hands behind her back she strode towards the brunette a deathly look in her eyes. She bent down and grabbed the others face in her hand "Is that all that your self absorbed heart desires, for if you want an answer then I believe that you have slept with plenty more men than I have myself. But if I had to say, then only twice. And both times were with the same person. So if you would like to avert your questions from my sex life, that would do a great deal on helping you live long enough to figure out who I really am" Yula then roughly moved the others head to the side as she let go of the other and proceeded to wipe her hand on the fabric of her shirt as if she had touched something disgusting and unwanted.

"Any other questions" the teen said as she turned her back towards the group. A baritone voice then broke the silence with one of his own questions "How old exactly are you?" It was more or less his own curiosity but he wanted to know each and every detail of this now mysterious person. "I myself as Yula am of 15 years" the teen answered, eyes never leaving the older male as a smirk spread across her peach lips. "You know exactly what I mean, How old are you. Yugi Moto" at this point the pharaoh was now standing in front of the young teen as he boxed her in against the wall that was directly behind her. A pout then made its way on the girls lips as she faked a sad expression. "Awww, I guess you found me out already." She shrugged her shoulders as she mumbled a quick "took you long enough..." under her breath.

The pharaoh was getting pissed off easily so he roughly grabbed the teens shoulder and banged her into the wall to prove his point "My answer now". The younger teen just endured the pain as she didn't have the heart to hurt the male. 'Yula' had grown attached to him.

Although deep inside a darker being was dejecting the idea of him being even remotely close to the other. "Would you rather have me tell you or Yugi himself" asked the young teen as she looked up at the older, a smirk spread across her lips as she looked into the confused eyes of the other. And before the other could respond Yula grabbed Yami's chin and quickly yanked him downwards so that their lips collided together. Almost as if it was on instinct the pharaoh had closed his eyes as he leaned forward into the kiss more.

But before he could have fully enjoyed the sensation of the others warm lips upon his, it felt as if something had changed. The lips grew cold and bitter, they seemed to be moving upwards as if the person was growing.

The person that now stood infront of the pharaoh couldn't be the same. As the person pushed the crimson eyed teen away slowly a new voice rang through the room. "Who are you?!"

To be continued....
Words: 1192
Pages: 17

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