Chapter 23

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Normal pov
It had been three weeks since Yugi left with Marik, Bakura, and Malik. The school had been reopened, but only a few students decided to skip out on this day for they feared that another attack would occur.

Today would be a half day for the concern of the students. Yami sat at his desk, staring through a window out to the street below. It was a relatively quiet day, excluding the random pops of gum from a rebelling student or the constant drone of the teacher. The older kinda missed having the presence of the other, their beautiful face when they were concentrated on the task at hand, the straying eyes that would sometimes dart from him to the front of the class, the straight posture that the pharaoh had grown attached to, and the- "Mr.Sennen can you please pay attention to the lesson!" stated the older teacher from in front of the class. "Sorry" mumbled the annoyed teen.

So much for it being a peaceful day.

As the school finally let out the pharaoh was finally able to leave for home. Lunch had been quite lonely for the older, he spent it in the Library where Yula had once sat. Away from the peering eyes of any wandering student, the pharaoh would silently contemplate the meaning of the whole ordeal with out the others there to question his uncharacteristic behavior of that day.

Things no longer made sense to him, his brain no longer functioning his body moved on autopilot as it continued down the same path to the game shop. Things had been silent for the past three weeks, no one had heard from the younger teen, but that was to be expected. In an almost robotic like state Yami entered the game shop and went up stairs towards his room.

This time wasn't any different from the others, so why was he lingering at the door to the side of his instead of his own. He could not explain it but it was almost as if his soul was pulling him towards the door, as if it was destiny. Maybe that was just the zero hours of sleep getting to his head or the lack of eating, but he could have sworn he heard a soft and steady breath on the other side of the door.

Of course in previous day's the other had tried to open the door leading to the young teenage girls room, but he always found that it was locked, he even would ask his grandpa if he had the key. But alas the only key that they had for that room in particular was given to Yula before she left. So if all those other days the door had been locked, then why would that fact change now.

It no longer mattered to the older, he just knew that he would try this one last time, to see the room that belonged to the person he had grown so fond of. As his hand clasped the cool metal, his hand shaking from nerves, he slowly turned the nob.

The handle moving smoothly to the side, it was not being held back by a lock this time. In complete shock, the teen stood there for a few seconds, before his mind was able to catch up with his body he was already opening the door wide open. His eyes landing on a sleeping figure that laid on the bed before him.


Words: 664
Pages: 9

(A/N: thought my lovely readers would like an early chapter. I was planing on finishing this after I finished my science project in a few weeks, but I decided against it. I will also be posting a new Undertale fanfiction soon. So if you happen to like Undertale I would really appreciate if you would read it. But by the time you do read this chapter it won't be out yet. Well hope you liked this chapter.)

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