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Last time on Fake Identity:
"Well I guess it slipped my mind, and didn't I tell you to call dad or grampa boy" Solomon shot back at the taller teen.

"Wait he's your son?" asked a shocked Yula.

Normal pov
"Wait he's your son?" Asked a shocked Yula. "Well not exactly, Solomon found me on the streets when I was five and took care of me. After he tried to find my family it turned out that my parents were killed and that Seto Kaiba was my step cousin" Yami explained.

"Well how does that work?" Yula asked. "Oh I'm Seto's stepfathers brothers wife's daughters son" Yami explained yet another confusing situation. "oh?" Yula said, even more confused than before.

"Wait then why are you living with my grampa?" Yula asked even more curious than before. "Well I had already gained custody of Yami before we had found out about his family situation so he can choose wether or not to stay with me or go with Seto" the old man explained as he grew tired of the conversation.

Yula was able to pick up the change in attitude so she left for upstairs, Yami following close behind.

Yula then walked into the room that stood next to Yami's and locked the door.

The small teen then started to unpack her stuff and put her female clothes in her closet and her secret stuff in a drawer with a lock. After twelve minutes of unpacking Yula laid on her Dark Magician bed sheets and started to read the book 'Isle of the lost'. after fifteen minutes someone knocked on her door.

Yula's pov
"Who is it" I asked as I put my book down on my bed and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. "Its Yami, can I come in?" Yami asked from the other side of the door. "Why cant you just say what you need to from there" I asked, it wasnt that I was trying to be rude I just didht want a reapeat of earlier.

Flashback:Normal pov
"Um, t-thanks for helping me back there" Yula said, a slight blush on her cheeks as her head was down casted to the floor. "It's no problem, so how's your cheek" Yami asked as he came to a stop in front of Yula and slowly lifted her face up by his right pointer finger.

"M-my cheek stopped h-hurting a while ago" Yula stuttered, utterly attracted to Yami's gorgeous crimson pools that started into her purple and pink eyes. Yami's face then started leaning in closer to Yula's so that their faces were only centimeters apart. but before Yami could close the distance Yula yanked her face back. disappointing the red eyed man. "So thank you for helping me but I really must go now" the small teen said before she ran down the hall and exited the school

Flashback end

Yula's pov
"Please Yula, I just want to see you" Yami said, I could tell that he really ment it. I mean who would say no to that face, I know for sure as hell that I couldn't. So I slowly opened the door so that only my face was showing, since I had changed earlier I was wearing a small under shirt a tank top and a short (very short) black skirt with even smaller black shorts. "What is it Yami?" I asked, but before I could say anithing more Yami threw the door open pinned me against the wall and closed the door with his foot, but since I had the lock turned to the left so the door automatically locked itself.

"I never thought someone like you could get my heart to race" Yami said as he hovered above me. "Yami, what are you doing" I said as I struggled against his arms. "Will you let me have the satisfaction of feeling your lips" Yami said as I saw his eyes glaze over with an unknown emotion to me.
To be continued.........

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