Part 29

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(A/N: In Japan when a teacher is absent a substitute is not sent to the class, instead they expect the students to quietly study in their respective classes until they leave.)
Normal pov
It was a slow day at school like any other, the teacher had apparently been in a car crash preventing him/her from coming to work; so instead of working most of the students had gone to hang out near their friends their volume rising every now and then. While in the center of the room taking up two desks sat two other students in the middle of a duel monsters game, the victor would take the rarest card their opponent had from their deck.

"I sum'en Baby Dragon in attack position. Let's battle! I attack your life points directly, in doing so reducing your life points to zero" in the midst of the noice Joey could be heard battling one of the other students who had challenged him to a duel. "Dang it, I was sure I had you this time!" Before this the duel seemed to be leaning in the others favor, the blond had been left with 200 life points, his opponent 1100. In retrospect Joey had thought it to be one of his toughest battles but in the end he showed the power of the heart of the cards, and a little luck never hurt anyone. "Well them's the breaks, next time try not to let up so much at the very end. Now it's time to pay up!" And keeping to his end of the deal, Joeys opponent handed over his Ultra Rare Card, Axe Raider a warrior card whose ATK is placed at 1700 and DEF at 1150.

"Wow, this card is perfect I think he'll enjoy being in a deck with that of a similar breed." Placing his newly earned card in his deck Joey looked over to his friend, Yami Sennen, who had been sitting near the window absentmindedly starring out at the campus below. The rest of their friends had different classes at the moment, so being the only one their Joey made his way towards the pharaoh taking a seat backwards in the chair that sat in front of his friend. "What's wrong Yami? You seem quieter than usual, something on your mind?" A small silence fell between the two as Yami continued to look out the window.

It took a while for the other to respond but when they did it came out quiet, a whisper, almost as it he hadn't wanted anyone else to hear this but himself. "Do you ever wonder if the dark can find the light?" A pause,..... No one spoke for this time. "What are you talk'en about, have you been reading sappy lovey books again?" His voice did indeed have a playful nature in it, but if you listened carefully you could hear the slight concern that tinged the others voice. ...........

"If the Light can attract the dark into the deepest depths of their minds, is it possible for the dark to summon the light at its will or is that something that can't be acquired that easily. Or perhaps it is just unobtainable for those who have been subjected to others attempts of  corruption." This was a strange thing to think, and it definitely was a tad bit morbid but that didn't stop the other from speaking his mind. The past few days were a blur of incoherent memories that seemed to have blended together making what seemed to be an endless dream.

Yugi, or Yula which ever one it was, had stopped coming to school for a few days. It was only a tad bit concerning, but if you knew of their line of work then that should just make you constantly on edge; expecting what shouldn't be expected, and not expecting what should be expected. He should really stop thinking this way, the pharaoh had been slowly loosing sleep over the matter. And in this instance it seemed as if his head was fuzzy, his thoughts foggy, eyelids heavy, and his head felt as if it weight over 80 pounds.

He just wanted sleep, he just wanted sleep......

He just,......

He wanted......,


Or was it something else?

Or was it someone else?

What did he want again?

Was it the cold darkness?

Or the cold embrace of death?

Perhaps not?

Or, maybe something warm?

Maybe someone warm?

The warm embrace of the sun.... no not that.

Or maybe the warm embrace of them?

The one he couldn't have....

The one he shouldn't have......

The one he wanted badly......

He wanted,.......

He needed,......

He desired,.....

"Yugi" his words a breathless whisper as his head went limp and his body slumped forward.

Why is it dark? Why do I feel so cold? Why,..... Why do I feel so lonely?

Why do I feel so alone?

Words: 909
Pages: 18
(A/N: I am so sorry for not updating in so long, school and family life has become a bit too much for me. I will try my best to update more as possible, sorry that this chapter is just a filler. The main part of this story will be continued in the next too chapters. I do apologize for any spelling errors, I just typed this not too long ago. Hope you enjoy. I really do truly appreciate your patience. Until next time. Signing out

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