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Only three months have past, and yet that's all the time she needed to be named the weirdest and strongest kid in school. After Yula had beaten up Ushio and his gang word had spread fast and now every kid in school was avoiding her. During lunch she would just skip out and go to the library to take a nap or read. Sure she'd be really hungry at times but to her it was better than sitting at a table alone, being stared at and judged from the other kids.

But what was worse was the fact that Yami and his friends had started to ignore her. It was fine with her since she almost never spent time at home since she had 'night shifts' and when she was at home she was either asleep, doing homework, or "Exercising" as she called it. But in reality she was just practicing her new hobby, cutting.

Today felt like any other day. Yula sat in the library reading a novel. It was about a child who was born with the power to see how, when, and why someone died. This power made him grow cold and depressed even though he was only a small child in kindergarten. {A/N: Foreshadowing!!! I will make a fanfiction about that latter on XD!! Who knew Yula liked to read my stories CX!!}

Since she was a fast reader she was already in the middle of the book, even though she's only been reading it for about a week. As she continued to read a blond figure made its presence known by dropping a 500 page dictionary on the table that Yula sat at. Not scared by the loud thud and shaking of the table she slowly looked up from her book to reveal the scruffy blonde known as Joey.

"What do you want Joseph" Yula asked, aggravated by being distracted. She needed to keep reading or else her hunger would make itself more known, it was like a distraction for her. "Ya's going to come to Koibas party tonight" Joey said, it was more of a demand not a question. "And why would I do such a thing? Plus I have to work tonight" the small teen explained, not even fazed by Joey's cold glare. "I never said it was a question" Joey leaned forward to make himself more menacing. "And if I refuse?" the small teen kept pushing the others buttons, if she continued one of them would end up in the hospital and it wouldn't be her. "I neva' gave ya' a choice" at this point there was a vein popping out the side of his forehead.

"Fine, but what time do I have to be there" right now she was just saying anything to get the blond idiot to leave her alone. "We'll be picking ya' up, so don't think of goin' any where" Joey gave one last glare before he left her sight. " *sigh* just great" Yula muttered to herself as the 4th period bell rang.

~Time skip brought to you by- Kaiba: SCREW THE MONEY I HAVE RULES!!!! Wait? Let me try that again~

Yula had already called her boss to tell her that she wasn't going to make it to work today. She was currently getting ready for the party that was going to be held at Kaiba's mansion. She was wearing blue ripped jeans, a doctor who shirt, a black leather jacket, and her  millennium puzzle around her neck along with a black choker leather studded bracelets and red and black nikes.

As Yula sat in the living room she started to read the book that she checked out from the library, just as she got to the next chapter Yami walked in the room. He wore a red t-shirt, blue jeans, a red choker, and his millennium puzzle. The older just sat next to her, texting Joey to come and get them. It only took 5 minutes but once he got to the game shop Yula grabbed her purse along with her iPhone and headphones and exited with Yami.

The ride to Kaiba's mansion was a quiet one, mostly consisting of Yula playing her music at blasting levels as she continued to read her book. When they arrived at the mansion a butler came out to escort them inside. Once inside Yula immediately sought out a quieter room. But as soon as she was going to step away Joey grabbed her by her arm. Yula tried to get out of his grip but Joey just ended up tightening his grip.

As the blond continued to walk to who knows where Yula started to look at her surroundings. Most of the guests were from her school, but all of them had their eyes on her. Once they were in the center of the living room the blond and teen were met by two brunettes. Seto and Téa.

"I'm so glad you could make it, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor" Kaiba said in a loud booming voice that filled the room, even though there was only about 20 people at the party. "Why am I here Kaiba?" Yula asked, already bored out of her mind. "Shut up and pay attention. We're going to play a game of truth or dare" Téa said in her annoyingly high pitch voice.
Words: 1029
Pages: 14
{A/N: Hello my beautiful reader-chans ^w^ I'm going to need your help for the next chapter. In the next chapter the characters will be playing Truth or Dare and I want you guys to leave in the comment section some dares and truths. I won't be able to use all of them but it would be very helpful if you'd do me that favor. And if I don't use them in this chapter, I will definitely use them in another. So leave your response in the comments below. And for more stories by me just click on my profile at the very end of the chapter. And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye~ Bye~}

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