Chp.19? Past v.s. Future

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{Oduln: olhv zhuh wrog...}
Normal pov
"You missed" exclaimed and older male. His hair midnight black, skin a pale peach, and eyes a sparkling ocean blue. He could have easily passed as the most kindest man alive, but if you had seen his ice-cold stare that left others frozen in fear then you yourself would run for your life. "I'm sorry father" said the young child that sat near an opened window. Their form was small and fragile like a young girl, but their voice was a dead give away that the young child was male. The young boy wore a large midnight purple hoodie that covered all of his upper body and dark purple jeans.

As soon as the young male placed down the object that he had just been carrying his apparent father took a step closer to him and kicked his head forward so that it made contact with the thick glass that sat in front of him. A loud crack could be heard from the glass as the child's head made contact with the clear surface, blood slowly made its way down the young males forehead. The older male then grabbed the child and shoved his head and his whole upper body out the window.

   "Don't you ever address your superior in such a manner." The older male said as he violently shook the frightened child to the point where his body was starting to slide out of the window. "Am I understood" the blue eyed male asked as his grip started to loosen on the boys hoodie. "Y-yes s-sir" the terrified child said, trying to hold back his cries of fear.

The older male then pulled his son back inside and away from the window. "Hurry up and get the merchandise ready" said the older male as he threw a large briefcase towards the younger who scrambled to pick up his guitar case and put the large sniper rifle inside the confines of the instrument case.
{Pduln: olhv zhuh wrog..}
Normal pov
   It had been a few weeks since the party at Kaiba's mansion, and the whole ordeal was a bit of a blur for the brunette. Especially since he practically drank a whole wine bottle by himself, although drunk the male was surprised to hear that he didn't do anything that he'd regret or burst his ego in any way. Well, that's at least what Joey had told him. Although the blonde was blushing profusely once he had told the older Kaiba that.

   But ever since the party the young teen has been getting some strange looks from fellow students. Some people would even go as far as sending the poor teen death threats, but for the life of her she couldn't understand why someone would specifically send them to her. Maybe it was the fact that she actually was sorta acting like a slut, or~ it could be because of something totally different. The teen obviously didn't want to tell her grandfather for she feared that he would head straight to the school during class time and demand whoever wrote it to come forward. She didn't really care about being embarrassed, but she did take in consideration of the Pharaoh.

   During class some kids would pass Yula notes, their contents mostly consisted on "Go kill yourself", "You're a joke", or "You never should have been born". She was completely fine with the scolding stares from other students, but what she didn't know of was that one of the drunk partiers had recorded the whole game of Truth or Dare and had posted the video on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter,Vine, and even on a Random chapter on WATTPAD, whatever that is. (I'm just joking 😅)

   But with just that one video was enough to cause her whole life to fall apart. As second period, P.E., neared Yula made her way to her gym locker. Once she put in her combination and the locker popped open and about 20 letters fell out along with a dull knife and a picture of her in her bedroom. As quickly as she could she shoved all the items at the bottom of her Winged Kuribo backpack.

She quickly got dressed and walked in to the almost empty gymnasium. As she made her way to the gym teacher, who she had recently been helping get class items ready, she turned her head slowly to the window that stood on the side of the gym. A tall shadow laid near it as if someone was standing next to it and looking into the large room. But in the blink of an eye the shadow had disappeared.

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