Chapter 26

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Normal pov
Before the other was able to pull the trigger his mind was finally able to catch up with his actions and he stopped himself from completing his task.

As the fuzziness finally cleared from the teens eyes his hand found its way to his face as it rubbed at his temple, a small grown coming from his throat. Mumbling swear words at how fast he had changed under his breath. Yugi then stood up from the position he had just been in on Seto's hip.

The other two males just stared at him as he started to sway where he stood, gun still in his hand. As the priest was finally able to register what had happened he was the first one to speak up. "W-what the fuck just happened" and within a split second Yugi had already changed back in to Yula as (s)he started to fall towards the ground. With out a second thought Yami was out of the bed and caught Yula in his arms.

"That's it, I'm going to have to have a long chat with you Yami!"

As an hour past the younger teen was finally able to regain consciousness, she left the soft comfort of her room to enter the living room only to be met with the two older teens waiting on opposite sides of the couch. "Nice of you to join us" commented Seto as his eyes burned holes into the side of her head. Her gaze quickly turning to Yami who had been slumped over on the other side of the couch. "I think we both can agree that we would like an explanation as too how you, ehem change" Seto continued, but she wasn't all that interested in what he had to say. Finally being able to find her voice she let out a concerned question directed towards the spike haired male, "Y-Yami, are you okay?"

Seconds past as her question remained unanswered as she stood there silently, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. A sigh could be heard from the brunette at the actions of his cousin. "Can you please just explain who exactly you really are, I just- I can't rap my head around this" came the silent voice of the red eyed male. Yula hesitated, but seeing how badly the male in front of her had been mentally hurt she complied without a second thought.

Her story, no. His story had not been a happy one, but it shaped them into who they were today.

Yula and Yugi.
Two of a kind, and one of the same.
Words: 543
Pages: 7
{A/N: I'm so sorry for how long it's taken for me to update, school has bee a bitch but now I'm just glad it's over for now. Happy Summer Vacation for those of you who are already on it. I hope it turns out well, while I'm stuck at home with my brother and mom for the whole day every day. It can get really tedious at times, but that's family. And for more stories by me just click on my profile at the very end of the chapter. And I will see you in the next chapter. Bye~ Bye~}

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