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Last time on Fake Identity:

Yula made her way through the frightening forest, for some trees you could still see some splatters of blood along the trunk and floor. A few trees down the teen discovered a tree that was much different from the others, it had a lonesome flower that grew out from the ground in front of it.

Normal pov
Along one of the branch of the tree swung a rope that was tied in a noose, the type of knot used to hang someone so that the more it is pulled the tighter it will wrap around the persons neck and throat cutting off their air passage or in some cases from a high enough ledge it can sever the skull from the spinal cored internally.

As Yula neared the tree she kneeled on one knee and bowed her head. A sign of respect to those of the spirits that have lost their ways. Tears still making their way down her cheek as she sat down in front of tree. Her sobs only known to her and the spirits.

"Hello m-mother, I'm sorry I haven't been visiting you" The small teen told the tree that belonged to her mother. A small fog wrapped itself around the tree to make her mothers presence known. "I've been really busy with work and school, hehe who knew that they could keep a grudge for so long" the tricolor haired teen laughed nervously, talking to a tree that was haunted by her mothers spirit wasn't the easiest thing to do.

" Sometimes I wonder if I should just join you, i-it's not like anyone will miss me" as tears cascaded down her cheeks she was unaware of the three intruders that were slowly making their way towards her. As they stood behind her she just sat perfectly still, hoping to Ra's sake that they would just kill her. But as the smallest of the males put their hand upon her shoulder, instead of trying to choke her the male wrapped his arms around her small frame.

"It's ok Yula" the male whispered, the small teen turned her head slightly to reveal the men to be.... her best friends, Bakura, Marik, and Malik. Malik and the others had seen her running down the street, but what made them pursue her was the fact that her whole being was shaking from the unheard but seen sobs. As they followed her they saw that she had entered the forest, hoping that she wouldn't do anything to rash they watched her from afar.

"Come on Yula, we should take you home" the fluffy albino said as he picked her up bridal style, the group then started to walk away from the forest, from the lonely walking spirits, and from the spot where Yula's mother had just appeared but was unknown to them. Half way through with their trip Yula had fallen asleep in Bakura's arms, tears still streaked her cheeks.

As the small group neared the game shop they noticed that there were two cop cars pulled up along the side walk. "And she was supposed to be here 7 hours ago" an old man could be heard talking to the police. As the group neared the game shop the officers turned their heads. "I'm sorry officers but we have this under control" Marik said as he walked up to the police officer.

Bakura and Malik just continued their way into the game shop. As they went up stairs they saw the only remaining males from the group Yami, Joey, and Seto. Already pissed as it is Malik walked up to Joey and Seto and slapped both of them in the face. The two males stood there in shock as Malik and Bakura made their way to Yula's room.

Once inside her room they placed the young teen on her bed and tucked her in. But before they exited the room they kissed the young girl on the forehead, wishing her a good night.
Words: 707
Pages: 11

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