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  The day before was mostly filled with intoxicated teens participating in unmentionable activities, but only a few stood out from all the drunken slurs  of the partiers. There that sat in a corner of the living room was Yula and her three friends Bakura, Marik, and Malik. Of all the places to be dragged to this would not make it on the list. Rather than joining in on the ongoing party the four just sat silently, continuing next weeks class and work assignments. Even with the almost demon like behavior of the three they stayed rooted to their spot.

  As darkness neared the party only continued to get even more riled than before. But as soon as the time reached midnight a loud booming voice came across the room from the speakers that just happened to be playing Dubstep Mix's only moments ago. "Okay b*tches it's time for Truth or Dare and Spin the Bottle. All participants must go at least six times, all those who refuse to participate shall be Publicly Humiliated at school tomorrow." Sounded Téa's voice through the microphone she currently possessed in her hand.

  With that being said all the teens made their way to the center of the room and made a circle, gaps and spaces being filled by party cups and snack plates. The group of four hadn't seen a way out since the party had started And they knew that if they were to leave now it would only lead to serious consequences. So without any other choices they sat farther away from the others. But where they sat was near the main entrance of the mansion, but the only thing that stood between the four and empty streets were the three large body guards that were secretly armed with guns under their suits.

  "The rules are simple, one of us will get a turn to spin the bottle. The person that it lands on has three choices; the first is Truth were they have to answer one question truthfully, the second is Dare where they have to go through with what the other person had instructed them do no matter what it is, and the third is that you have to kiss the person who spun the bottle no matter what gender" the brunet instructed, a sly smirk tugging at her lips.

"Okay, the game shall start with Mr.Sennen spinning the bottle" blared the slightly slurred voice of Seto Kaiba as he handed his cousin the (very large) purplish green wine bottle. "How much you wanna bet that he was the one that finished that whole bottle by himself" whispered Marik as he leaned towards his friends so no one else heard, pleased when he heard a silent chuckle from the rest of the group.

Yami grabbed the bottle from his drunk cousin, eyes bored and remorseful as he stared at the crowd in front of him, until his eyes landed on a certain tricolor haired teen. His gaze only staggered a few seconds until he drew his sight towards bottle in front of him. Giving it a hard thrust of his arm the bottle spun at an increased speed as it spun around the crowd twice until it's movements slowed to a halt in front of Yula. Almost regretting his actions he hesitated in asking the words that so many before him had said, "Yula, Truth or Dare" his eyes slightly down-casted as he waited for the inevitable.

Following out with the game Yula made a quick choice as her lips parted to give her answer, "Truth" it was a chicken move yes, but she knew better. Yami probably wouldn't be in his right mind to think of a dare fast enough anyway. But of course there was a slight disappointed look within the males eyes. "What is your darkest secret" not trying to bring to much attention to himself in the way he worded his question he looked towards the female, voice audible to only those who tried to listen.

  Without a second though the young teen responded with a quick answer, eyes and voice empty with no sign of emotion. "I've recently been diagnosed with depression, I am bipolar, and...." The teen fell silent towards her last few words, gaining the stares of many of the other teens in the room. "AND WHAT!!!" yelled a slightly pissed Téa as she took a gulp from her, most likely beer, bottle. Hesitation not even evident on her face or body as she slowly continued "And I have a cutting addiction". Her words lingered in the air longer than they should have, a look of shock placed on most of the faces around the room.

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