Chapter 22 part 3

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Last time on 'Fake Identity': "But before he could have fully enjoyed the sensation of the others warm lips upon his, it felt as if something had changed. The lips grew cold and bitter, they seemed to be moving upwards as if the person was growing.

The person that now stood infront of the pharaoh couldn't be the same. As the person pushed the crimson eyed teen a new voice rang through the room. "Who are you?!"

To be continued...."

Normal pov
The pharaoh opened his eyes immediately, his head tilting downwards just slightly so that he was met with the dark purple eyes of the other instead of the light purple and pink of the one he loved. In utter complete shock the other stepped back a few steps to finally see who exactly was in front of him. There stood what he assumed was a teenager, he wore a black leather shirt pants and boots, and black leather bracelets and a choker, along with what looked similar to a gun holster to be strapped on their belt.

Their hair was almost the same as his yet different, it stood in five spikes atop his head, the outline of his hair a light purple while the center was a deep midnight black as golden blonde bangs framed the face of the other. The other persons eyes placed in a glare and lips in a scowl as he spoke yet again, "Who are you?"

It was a little surprising that the other didn't recognize the person that had made love to her (him?) at least twice in previous nights. In the silence that took over the now shocked room the new figure moved his right hand to his forehead, his nails painted as dark as his hair, while his other hand now rested on his waist. A quiet sigh escaping his lips as he closed his eyes and shook his head from side to side, muttering a quiet "what has that girl done now.." under his breath.

In a chance to regain his composure and the attention of the room the person looked up and strained himself to speak in a calm and clear voice. "Would someone like to explain the situation because I would really not like to have to go in my memory archive" it wasn't making a whole lot of sense, but with seeing the blank stares of the others the person sighed once more as he proceeded to introduce himself. "Since no one is talking then I'll start. I am Moto Yugi-" but just as soon as the other had started talking he was soon silenced by the up roar of questions from the group. All of which that could not be answered for they all asked at the same time.

But before any of them could truly comprehend what exactly happened, and who exactly was in front of them, there was a knock at the door. The brown wood then swung out words from the frame to reveal the group of three males who had been at the party with Yula not so long ago. Marik, Bakura, and Malik stood in the door frame. They had come looking for the younger girl, but instead were met with the deep hallow purple eyes of another.

Unlike the others that were still processing the situation the group of three made their way towards the other male. "I never really thought I'd have the pleasure of actually meeting you" stated Bakura as he stuck his hand out for the other to shake. The other male accepting Bakura's hand "I've heard a lot about you three from the time I had with Yula" Yugi said as a small smirk spread across his face, only to soon be replaced with a look of confusion. "If you don't mind me asking, why exactly were you looking for me" asked the curious male.

The three males looked at Yugi as if he were crazy. "Don't you know what Yula did?" Asked Malik, his hand holding a pair of handcuffs as his other hand rested on his hip that was covered by a blue uniform. "It was all over the news. But that doesn't matter at the moment, the chief has some questions for Yula" Bakura said as he opened the door signaling for the others that it was time to go.

Yugi silently agreed as he left with the other males, leaving the group of teens in utter shock and confusion. Yami, the first one to finally establish what had happened, stood up from his seat and made his way upstairs to his room. Only a second after Yami had gotten up did the young CEO try to follow him, but was stopped by the young Brit. "I think that he would like to be left alone at the moment" the young Brit said shyly as he then released his light grasp of the others hand.

As the time kept ticking every one of the friends soon left with seeing no other reason to stay. A question still lingering in the air, thick enough to give anyone who thought of it a head ache.

'Who exactly is Yula? And could she possibly just be a Fake Identity?'
Words: 879
Pages: 12

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