A-- Australia

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Bondi Beach above ^^

Riley POV
Yesterday we arrived in Australia for our competition and today we were given the day off so we decided to go to Bondi Beach since we are in Sydney. Sydney is amazing. It is do beautiful and scenic and has so many amazing beaches. But Bondi is well known and lots of celebrities go there so we thought we would give it a try.

We arrived at the beach as we walked here since we have a view of this beach from our balcony room. James came running up to me scooping me by my waist as soon as my feet hit the sand, as just ran to the waterside and dumped me there in the water with him. I giggled in my apparent "cute" tone as we swam out deeper into the ocean. Atroupe hadn't even laid their towels down but we were right in first.

As James and I swam deeper and deeper we go to a nice spot so we stopped and we started kissing. At first it was soft and not as rough but then it got more intense and rougher and so our kisses were more passionate.
"Ohhhhhh Jiley!" west cues
"Get a room you two" eldon yells
"Seriously!?" Michelle yells out
I smirk but deepen the kiss and James reaches for my bikini strap
"Ah! no no no not here. save it for tonight" I say calmly squatting James' hand away from my back.
"Tonight?" He asks me
"Well we are just going to get more of what we just heard if we keep going like this. day 6,7?" I tell him
"Yeah sure" he says before returning one more of my kisses. after that we chase each other to the sand side and end up diving onto the towels that atroupe had laid down for us
"Got pretty heated there Jiley!" hunter says. I blush and James just chuckled
"Yeah it's how we do" I say smirking at James
"We'll finish it later" he says smirking back at me.
"Fine. But that's something I don't want to see" Michelle says and I just laugh

*******ABOUT 6 HOURS LATER******

It's now around 6:30 and we have lied to atroupe telling them we were going on a date somewhere and would be back around 10/10:30 ish. they all bought it and half of what we said was true (the time bit) and it wasn't like they want trust us- we are adults.

We arrived at the beach and we laid our towels down and I took of my jacket and clothes that I had covered up my bikini with to trick atroupe into thinking we were going out. James had said to then that we were going somewhere he had planned and since he had boardshorts on (as he had I wear them) most of atroupe predicted we were going to the beach.

I revealed my Fluoro yellow Bikini that had frills at the front and had tassels on the bottom. James loves this one and I had been using this one often just for him. James stripped to just his shorts and then we raced down to the waterside. No one was here and it was just us so we made out in the near shallow waters this time instead of deep deep out.
Our kisses again started off just as normal pecks but then deepened and deepened until James reached for my strap on my back, untying it and tossing it out of our way revealing my bare chest. It wasn't like we hadn't done this before, we had been dating for nearly 6 months so we were well and truly into our relationship. And believe me we knew we would get fined If we get caught doing this especially if it goes further then just stripping down to my bikini bottoms, but we knew we would be quick and we had only gotten caught twice.

Our make out ended and we hopped out of the water and fetching my upper half out of the water, putting it back on, then after relaxing on the sand just kissing occasionally. it reached 10:00 and we decided to head home to our apartments where we were staying. we walked back the rest of the way and up the apartment stairs.

James and I weren't in the same room as Miss Kate wouldn't let us but I was with Chloe and Michelle and James was with the guys so it was all good. I said bye to James and then walked into my room but finding it was completely empty so I walked back outside to find James and he was there too with the same problem.
We decided to go to miss Kate's room thinking that they might be there and sure enough they were.
As soon as we opened the door all of atroupe were standing there hands on their hips, some smirking, some frowning.

"Hi guys." James says breaking the silence.
"Hi. Did you enjoy the date? I'm surprised Riley still has her top on" miss Kate says

And that's when we realized.

They saw everything......

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