V-- Valentines

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James POV

I wake up, turning my head towards my alarm clock that is beeping madly. It's now apparently 8am and I know that even after my 6th consecutive alarm, I'm late for dance. I quickly get up, have a shower and get changed before grabbing an apple and granola bar and making my way to the studio, making a quick detour to the get some red roses from the florist along the way as today is Valentines Day. Riley and I have been together for now a year and a bit and honestly saying, I am extremely happy and feel so lucky that I have her and that I can spoil her on such a special day.

Everyone knows what I'm doing for her and I'm hoping she doesn't take what I'm going to do the wrong way as I've planned it to be perfect and I'm hoping that nothing is going to badly influence it. Today I've planned to give Riley the best dinner date anyone could ever have. We're going to dance, eat and then I'm going to give presents. She already knows about the night, but not about my present. Which is good. Surprises are better- even if she hates them. I arrive at the studio and smile seeing my girlfriend talking to Michelle, Giselle and Thalia. I decide to go up and wrap my hands around her waist, lovingly and then cover my eyes over hers.
"Guess who?" She giggles, turning around.
"My" she kisses me "amazing" she kisses me again "boyfriend" and more kisses. I chuckle
"Happy valentines baby" she says staring into my eyes
"I could say the same to you" I reply as I unravel the flowers from behind my back.
"Aww James" she blushes "I thought we were saving presents for tonight" she argues and I chuckle again, shaking my head
"Well yeah, but this is just to let everyone know you're mine" I say and she leans in giving me a hug
"Forever and ever" she whispers making me smile

Riley POV

February 14th continued and so did James' hickeys. The entire lunch break we were making out. Since today we had a long dance rehearsal for nationals which started tomorrow, we were in studio a almost all day rehearsing so when it came to lunch, it was almost like we were in another planet. Finally it was time to go home and I was just grabbing my duffel bag when James came over to me.
"Ready for tonight my dear?" He asks in a really bad British voice
"Yes thank you sir" I reply in my AMAZING accent. He laughs
"Where are we going James, exactly?" He smirks at me, moving closer
"Well I was planning on blind folding you and taking you there but since you hate surprises and you have actually already had one today with the flowers, I guess I could tell you that it's here in studio a"
"But that's boring James" I complain
"But it's where we met. And it's where I first knew that I really liked you. And it's also where I started and still love you" he says quickly and I tilt my head.
"Thats sweet" I reply "Thank you" I say finally after a while of more staring.
"No probs. I'll pick you up at 7" he says and I smile
"Bye baby girl. See you tonight" he says kissing me before leaving.
"Bye James"

I hear the beep of James' car horn outside my apartment and I rush outside to meet him after making sure I looked OK. Tonight I was wearing a halter neck black and floral dress with high heels and medium-heavy make up. My hair was neatly curled, especially the way James liked it.
"Wow! You look amazing" he says as I strap myself in. I turn to him, he's wearing a suit and a tie, similar to the one he wore to Kathy and Arthur's wedding.
"You do too. Really handsome James"
"Thanks. Should we get going?" I nod as he takes the engine and starts the familiar route to a familiar place.

"You know, I still remember our first date" I say
"Who could forget? It was so damn incredible" he says, getting out of the car and round to my side to open the door for me
"Thanks. It really was a dream come true that day. I mean if it wasn't for you and maths, we probably wouldn't be here right now" I admit and he turns to smile at him
"That's probably the closest I'll get for you saying you're glad that I failed maths" he chuckles and I smile as he leads me towards the entrance of studio a. The doors shut and he's now facing me and holding my hands
"You ready to finish off an already amazing day?" He smiles and I nod, following his lead into the studio.
"Oh my gosh James. This is beautiful" I complement as I gaze around the room. He's decorated it really nicely with glittery fairy lights that are scattered around the room. There's a table in the middle with a red checkered table cloth and foods from all around the world. Exactly like 4 years ago.
"This is..."
"Exactly like our first date" I say but he unexpectedly joins in too.
"Yeah" I whisper quietly before pecking him in the lips.
"I love it"

James POV
Once we've finished eating our cuisines from all around the world, we continue with our date and I ask her to dance.
"This date couldn't get better than this  James, it really is the perfect Valentine's Day" she tells me as we slow dance to our song- We Go.
"Well fortunately for you, we still haven't done presents yet" I say and she smiles.
"I'm going first!!" She squeals going to the table and grabbing her present. I sit down back in my seat, as we pause our slow dancing for a bit. I take the present from Ri, it's a small box and nearly wrapped too.
"Wow! This is incredible" I say opening the box which is a canvas, filled with photos of me and Riley on it.
"If you don't like it, you can return it I was kind've worried that it wasn't your thing so you can alway--"
"Riley, I love it. Thank you" she smiles as I lean in to kiss her.
"Ok. No problem" she says gently as I stand up to give her her present.
"James!? Why can't we do it sitting down?"
"Because. I'd rather stand doing this Riley" I say seriously and she groans
"Oh god, I'm already scared" I laugh as I take my hands in hers

"Riley, ever since I laid eyes on you I knew you were amazing. Not just physically but mentally as well. You're not just the hottest, sexiest, most beautiful girl I've ever met but you're god damn talented and are such a kind-natured perfect person also. I love you. More than words can describe and to think that I can call you mine and be with you just makes me feel all special inside because you're he best thing that's ever happened to me." I say pausing and letting go of her hands and kneeling down on one knee. I look at her as she gasps, tears falling down her eyes.
"Now before you think this is a proposal and run away cause you're not ready to get married yet, it's not cause neither am I. That's why I'm giving you this" I start to speak as I open up he box with the ring inside it
"It's a promise ring. For when we are ready to get married because I don't know about you but I do see a future  with us. And I do want to marry you someday....." I pause again
"So Riley. Will you accept this promise ring and marry me....someday?" I ask her and she nods confirming
"Yes James. Of course I will" she says and she bends down to kiss me pulling me up and kissing me more.
"God I love you so much Riles"
"I love you more"

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