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Riley pov
It's Saturday morning and after a long week looking after Lola I can finally get a sleep in. Lola is our 2 year old daughter. everyday when James goes to work at the studio to teach, I am at home with Lola. it's fun actually- we read books, play games, I take her to the park, we even do some singing and dancing too. most of the time I upload all of these videos and pictures of us at home to Instagram and everyone at the studio comment straight away as they just love seeing Lola.

At the moment I am 6 months pregnant so, hence the staying at home part, I am always with Lola. I only know its a girl as James didn't want to know what it was until it arrived. When I found out I was actually scared that I was pregnant again as I thought it was too early for another one as Lola was only like 20 months old, but then I adjusted to it more. Lola loves playing with our unborn child, always talking to it through my stomach. saying goodnight to it and sometimes even when I'm asleep in the day time, just casually having random conversations to her. I find it adorable and it's like she has an imaginary best friend. and this time it's actually imaginary.

However through the time that me and Lola have been home together all I have been trying to do; through my talking lessons, crawling lessons and teaching her how to eat- is that I just want her toilet trained. I swear me and James have tried absolutely anything. Emily even and over with her son Jack the other day who's the same age as Lola. he is toilet trained already and em thought that if jack could do it Lola could do it, as they were really close cousins and Lola would do anything jack would do. However that didn't work.

Me and James have been asked by almost anyone and everyone to bribe her with lollies or sweet things or even tv shows to just get her on the potty but she won't budge. James has been the most helpful as he can be; but there are time when even I too just burst out laughing as we know we can't go any further and bribing our 2 and nearly 2 and a half daughter with Dorothy The Dinosaur tv shows isn't going to work.

But today was Saturday and today was the day that I was determined to get her potty trained.
"Morning beautiful" James said as he woke up as well next to me
"Hey James. ready for today?"
"Yeah. What time are the others coming over?"
"Around 12"
"Cool. we better get up and moving then gorgeous it's 10:00 now"
"Haha. that's what days with Lola do to me"
James chuckles before we both hop out of our bed and move down to the kitchen. I take Lola out of her cot and soon to be bed and carry her to the kitchen but am interrupted half way there.
"Ri. you need to put her down. let me carry her" James says as I roll my eyes
"Oh James at least you're somewhat protective instead of not even caring at all" I say and he laughs, walking to the kitchen

"Hey Michelle. Eldon. how are you guys?"
"Hi Riley. how are you feeling?"
"Good thank you. hello Adam darling how are you?" I say as Adam (Michelle and eldons son) who is about 3 walks in next to Michelle.
"Good thank you Aunt Riley"
"That's good. come in" I say to him and the others. Adam is my godson and James is his godfather. Lola's godparents are Michelle and Eldon too but Me and James are jacks (Emily and hunters) godparents too as me and Emily are sisters.

Today all of the old Atroupe are coming for a party almost or even a BBQ celebration. we aren't really celebrating anything though its just a catch up. one by one Atroupe start filing in as our 3 story house starts to fill up and more and more alcoholic drinks are drunk. Lunch time soon comes and we all eat our BBQ lunch. everyone but Emily and hunter brought some type of meat or salad and em and hunter brought a Chocolate fudge cake for desert. we are all hoping though as Eldon is wearing a white Shirt that hunter doesn't give revenge for 10 years ago and dumps the cake all over Eldon. although that was pretty funny.

It soon hits 5:00 and knowing our Next Step family, out parties go for so long, hence being family friendly. our neighbours haven't even complained once though which is good . we all shuffle into the main room where the girls just sit and chat and the kids are talking while they are on their little potties casually taking away. we are trying to make it happen now. trying to complete the jiley mission we had this morning. the guys are outside on our pool table, beers in their hands, playing a couple of rounds.
"So how's he pregnancy going Riley?" Chloe asks
"Good. I mean the morning sickness has stopped now quick is so good because for the love of god I hated that"
"So much for being a catholic riles" em says and I smile
"How about you Michelle? planning number 2 any time soon?"
"Yes" she says clutching her stomach
"Oh my god?!! You're not?"
"What if I was?" She asks shyly
"Michelle!!! that's great news. does Eldon know?"
"Yeah I told him this morning but I am only 2 weeks along"
"Ahhh that's so exciting!!" Emily says
"Thanks guys" says. it all goes quiet

James comes in at that second with a bag of Jellybeans in his hand
"Hey babe. what's up?"
"Well there were just sitting on the counter, left from the decorations on the cake and I thought the kids would like them"
"Yep sure. it might even motivate them even more" I say and James smiles as he hands them each a different coloured one, their eyes sill glued to the tv
"Are you trying again?" He says scrunching the wrapper in his hands as the bags finished
"Well yeah but I don't know if its going to---" I am Interrupted to what sounds like rain
"James. I swear to god. I cannot LIVE without you" I say and James just chuckles

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