I-- Internationals

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Riley POV

I wake up and eventually make my way out of my bed, getting dressed and having breakfast after realising that I have 40 minutes to get ready. I am rushing. I can admit that; but being in a rush gets me all anxious and nervous that I'm going to be late. And when it comes to the studio- trust me you never want to be late.

As I make my way to Studio A, placing my suitcases and bags in the foyer and then eventually making my way over to stretch. After a while I stand looking around the room. It's odd because its silent and when you're at The Next Step it's never quiet. Not many are people are here yet I have to admit; only Chloe, Michelle, West, Eldon and Amanda are here not even James or Emily are here yet. Emily drive herself as he had a couple things to do before me.

That's when I feel a pair of arms slowly grasp around my waist. Pulling me closer and closer within the stranger of a body that is nearing me. My body shakes, at the feel of shock within me as I turn around and notice it is my boyfriend who has just arrived.

I double over in half embarrassment for jumping and half laughter as I realise why it was all silent through the studio. They all knew he was behind me- well everyone but me and that's why I was laughing
"Hey" I say one I stand up properly giving him a hug as he chuckles slightly
"Hi. You looked a bit startled there" he comments as he kisses my warm lips and I feel a sense of sudden safety.
"Yeah. Well you did scare me a little. It scared me that it was so quiet in here but it was hilarious that I was completely oblivious" I say returning the kiss to James as the rest of A-troupe focus their attention on us.

We start kissing even further and soon turn into making out until Emily calls it quits, upon her arrival at the studio
"Ok Jiley. Enough. We want your heads kept on by the end of this understand?" She yells front he entrance of the studio. I turn scarlet as James lifts me up bridal style as we make our way to the centre of Studio A where Emily is heading towards.

"Ok everyone lets go!!" She screams.

Today is Internationals. We are all very excited today. because it is internationals. finally today has come and I know everyone in the room and wait. Miss Kate has, especially for us, bought us first class plane tickets because it is Miami and we want drive to Miami.
I get in James's car along with Michelle and Eldon who are also dating and James drives us to the airport. I have to say that driving with James is very hazardous for me. it's not that I can't trust him, in fact I have only just gained that back, it's just sometimes I feel as if James isn't in enough control.
"So. you guys ready for internationals?"
"Yes. yes yes. yes. yes" Michelle says happily
"Yeah me too. I think we all are" eldon says smiling at Michelle.
"You two look quite comfy in the back there. what's going on? how is Micheldon going?"
"Perfect." they say together after a slight pause.
"How are jiley?" Isaac asks
"Perfect" "better than perfect" James and I respectively say at the same time.
"HaHahahaha. what she said" James says and I laugh
"We're here guys" he says pulling up next to Emily's car in the parking lot at the airport and I place my sunglasses on my head, grabbing my bags and heading inside. we are already bombarded with paparazzi; wanting all the goss for our internationals comp.
We dodge through the crowd, eventually making out way through security and the cafe there for breakfast as its only 8 and then finally to our boarding area. we wait in the first class lounge for whole; me on James's lap kissing him every now and again while atroupe look away
"Passengers boarding the CA345 flight to Miami please board your plane immediately. first class passengers first, then following through class order before finally ending with staff attendants. have a great flight" the speaker comes on as The Next Step all stand and enter the boarding way and onto the plane. I hold James's hand the entire way smiling as I know I get to sit next to him the entire way.
The plane takes off within the next hour or so and it doesn't take very long to get there but it still means more time with James.

I cradle him as we are sitting on a private area looking out at the sky through the window seat together, again kissing him occasionally.
"Jiley I swear if thy ever get married I wanna be at their wedding. front and centre. first bridesmaid. first guest there. everything cause those two are just OTP meant to be." Emily says as I hear it and laugh. so does James
"You know it would be nice to marry you one day babe" James says smirking
"It would but that's very far away. lets just focus on getting through today"
"Ok riles." he says as with that my eyes peel closed and before I know It I am dosed off into sleep.

Yet it's only 9 in the morning

I wake up to
"Awww they're so cute"
"Should We wake them?"
"Jiley are jut so adorable today- I want to be like that!!"
I slowly wake up and I get those comments again and again until James wakes up and I give him another kiss.

The plane stops and we get off, arriving in Miami. we decide to head straight to our hotels and them to lunch at this restaurant just around the corner. we are just chilling today as we are all too tired to dance.

Internationals here we come!!!!

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