X-- Xoxoxo

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A/N: As many of you know, I'm obsessed with friends and the next step so I kind've bought I would mash it up and out two together. This is a Jiley date with some features from TNS S1 Ep19 and some from FRIENDS S2Ep15. Enjoy xxx

Riley POV

Tonight was the night. My firsts date with james. The night I had been waiting for all year. Finally he passed his maths test and we were able to go out.
"You ready to go?" He asks me as we pull up outside the studio. Apparently the romantic way to pick a girl up for their first date is to ask your mum to drive you there. And to your dance studio
"Er, yeah...ok" I sigh scratching my head
"What's wrong Ri?"
"Ummmm I don't know it's just not very romantic. I mean I live and breathe here pretty much I don't wanna have my first date here" I say and he looks upset
"Riley. There's more to it than you think. Just give me a chance. Here take your passport" he says giving me a document. I smile as he hands it over and I become less anxious. He may have put more effort into than I expected.
"Ok. I'm sorry"
"Nah it's all good. Come on let's go and have fun. You have a cute yearbook photo by the way" he says and I roll my eyes tarting to walk into the studio.
"Oh shut up" I say making him chuckle

"Wow this is incredible James" I say walking in. He's basically set up an around the world date setup. With fairylights and a weird roof for some reason. It's not usually like that.
"It's beautiful"
"Just like you" he says and I weakly smile, kind've uncomfortable
"Aww that's sweet, but really cliché james. Really....cliché" I say and he laughs

"Right you ready for the night of your life?" He says smiling. I laugh
"Yeah pretty much" I say and he laughs, leading me over to the food table


James POV

Riley and I basically say and ate most of the night. We played 20 questions and laughed and talked about dance. Mainly about regionals and then she asked me about maths. It was a fun night but I still had one thing up my sleeve.

"Stand up" I say and she smiles, getting up, while I play the music
"Oh, you wanna dance" she says softly and I smile, pulling her in as we slow dance to the music played on the stereo. Suddenly it's the moment I've been waiting for all night and there's a sudden chemistry and connection that I've never had with Riley before. I new we were close and that's why I agreed to come in this date with her, but i didn't know it was this close. Riley is one of those girls who is the kindest, gentlest, amazing soul in the universe and then on the inside she's quite stubborn and anxious. I'm hoping that she lets it go and chills, relaxes for a bit and just does what her heart tells her to do. And that's exactly what happens. I find myself leaning in, attaching my lips to hers and softly pressing them together. I'm caught up in this moment and I feel myself in another world of just pure Riley. And riley I've never seen before. She pulls away and smiles, leaning her head on my shoulder and I can tell she's blushing and smiling as so am I.

After our slow dance I have one last suprise and at first she's a bit worried
"Don't even worry about it Riles, it's awesome, trust me" I say and she weakly smile as I instruct her to go and get a bean bag in which she does, and sits.
"ok may I present to you the Riley 101" i day and she smiles looking up. I decided to attach an open roof to the studio. It took a lot of work and time to do but it's for riley. She's my everything at the moment and id do anything for her.
"Wow it's incredible James" she says looking above us. I smile looking up at the sky. It's filled with glimmering stars and the dark sky. It's amazing and looks generally altogether so incredible. We're on our elbows, crouching up on our elbows for support as our head lean back to see the stars.

Before we know it I've leaned in and I've kissed her again. And again and again. One kiss turns into a make out. And soon enough I find myself ripping off items of clothing from her body. Her jacket, shirt, skirt, and then bra. Something I didn't think I'd be doing on a first date. I giggle as I keep it going, tugging further and further before eventually going all the way. And surprisingly she didn't care. And neither did I. Later on we probably would care that we were having sex in studio a but we were too caught up. She was in the moment. And so was I.

After it all we lay panting, exhausted before I eventually fall asleep with Riley beside me under a blanket. Little did we know.....it was a dance day tomorrow.

Michelle POV

I arrive at dance the next day to walk in to something I did not want to see. I basically came here with west a bit earlier as we were both looking for Jiley. We knew they had been on a date last night and we heard it was here we just didn't think this would happen.

"OH MY GOD" I say covering my mouth. I turn to west who's basically got the same reaction but worse. Had they actually done.....it. Ewwwww.
"West. What do we do?!?" I whisper shout
"We need to wake them up" he says. I nod going down to touch Riley's bare skin, shaking her a bit. West  does the same.
"It looks like a good date" I say and he laughs, smiling
"Yea james put a lot of effort into making the night special"
"Awww that's sweet" I say before I hear someone stir
"Ahhhh what's do we do now?!" I laugh and I turn to west who's laughing even harder.
"RUN??!" He says laughing

** hey this was crap. You don't have to read it if you think that was so stupid. Sorry xoxoxo

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