K-- Khloe

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James POV
"And 2033's Honor Graduate goes to......Khloe Tordjman. Congratulations" We stand up and cheer our 18 year old daughter, up on stage as she takes her award from her principal, Mrs Harmon
"Oh I'm so proud of her" Lola, our eldest other 21 year old daughter says. she flew all the way from New York, where she is currently working, just to come to this graduation.

Khloes class comes off the stage and then all split to their respective seats as they, on the count of 3, move their tassels to the other side of the graduation hat and then tear it off their head and into the sky with lots of more applauses cheering them on afterwards. I turn to Ri who is crying and I chuckle before turning to give her a hug.
"What's wrong beautiful?"
"I just can't believe she's all grown up. it felt like yesterday that I fell pregnant with her and Lola was 3. It's just.....theyre too old now. I want them back at the age of 5 and 3 again. she's my baby and now she's......graduating" she says softly and I pull her into a hug
"Oh baby. it's ok" I soothe her.
"Mum. Dad! Oh my god Lola you're here" Khloe says running up to us giving us a group hug. I always lived having 2 daughters- makes my family more special.
"Mum? why are you crying?"
"Oh nothing darling. just all those memories are flowing that's all"
"Awww it's ok mum. I'm not leave yet remember- only 3 months left though" she says
"Oh that's right- we're counting down the days gorgeous" I joke
"Dad!!!" she teases
"Come on girls. lets get some lunch"
"Can Lucas come?" Lola asks
I groan "yeah sure" Riley replies and I groan louder. Lucas is Khloes boyfriend of 3 years. they, apparently as far as I know, aren't that serious but I've heard that Khloe wants to get married soon. have no idea why. she's not though. especially not to Lucas.

Riley's POV
"I can't believe you're not my baby anymore" I says giving Khloe a hug as we are waiting for our food at this Thai place down from Khloes school. we went here when Lola graduated too- I guess it's a tradition.
"Mum. if you're that desperate for another baby; you know what to do" she replies and I swear Lola had to pat James on the back he was choking on his water so much. I giggle as he sits himself up straight again looking 'normal'
"No. Just no" he manages to spit out.
Khloe laughs and so does Lola

We finish lunch before going home. Lucas leaves Khloe after a long goodbye and we walk in our door with just our 4 membered family.
"I have to show you something" I say getting up. I go to the cabinet under the stereo in the study where we keep all our precious items
"Photo time" I say pulling it out and placing it back on the coffee table where the others are sitting. Lola and Khloe snuggle in with me and James as we flick through the continuous pages of Khloes photo album
"Look at that one- are you pregnant in that one mum?" Lola asks
"Yeah. 6 months I think. it was when we were at the season 3 premiere party in 2015" I reply
"She was super hot then" James says and I smirk while the other girls laugh
"Awwww that's a cute one" James says as we turn to one of Lola holding Khloe when she was only a day old. her and James had come to visit us at the hospital. well James had gone home to get her and then come back to me
"That's actually my favorite photo of you two together" I admit and James smiles at me
"When's this one?" Khloe asks
"That was at the next step wrap party in 2018 after 5 seasons. we had broken some sort of record and there was this huge party to celebrate the closing of the series. everyone was invited; even you two"
"Wow looks like so much fun. you two had the best lives when you were our age" Lola says and I smile looking at James
"Yeah. actually when I was Khloes age I met your dad" I admit. they all look at him
"It's true. the first table reading as a cast"
"Awww that's cute" Lola says and I kiss Trevor on the lips
"Yeahhh so is that" Khloe says
I chuckle before turning the page. it flicks through all Khloes baby and toddler years, her kindy and prep school as well as elementary school days. Lola is awwwwing at them all and Khlo doesn't seem to mind; enjoys the attention.
"Ooo Disneyland I remember that. Do you Khlo?" Lola squeals
"Yeah it was so much fun" she says kind've nervously as we approach the Disneyland photos in 2022. Khloe was 7 and Lola was 10.
"Khloe Hun- are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to tell you guys something"
"Ok sweetie go ahead."I say actually nervously myself as I close the album and turning to James who has the same type of look on his face
"Ok but you guys have to promise me. Just promise me 100% that you won't be mad because this is supposed to be a happy day for me and well....... for you too" she says, turning pale almost
"Ok darling but we any guarantee it because we don't know what it is"
"I'm pregnant" she admits

"Ohhhh so that's why you wanted to get married" James says before actually physically collapsing

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