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Riley POV
"You nervous babe?" James asks me as we stand in the wings of the stage, Oprah literally 20 meters away from us. We had been chosen, as we were well known celebrities now after we left the next step, to be a guest star on Oprah. The news had spread like a wildfire. Gone through every tabloid, newspaper, magazine, online articles, even on websites. People have gone crazy just to see James and Riley on Oprah.

"And we are joined now by ex the next step studio dancers who are now current superstars. The duo, 5 years ago left the next step due to the fame they had collected through it claiming that it was all too much. Just recently the pair have opened a new dance studio titled 'Dance til you drop' and has since then overcome the national record for breakout dance applications in a month. The pair have also competed on the previous season of America's Dancing with the Stars and have caught up as a reunion with the next step dancers of 2015 just recently. Pease welcome still together high school sweethearts; James Tordjman and Riley Beaton."
"Welcome guys!! Welcome to the show" she introduces us as we take a seat beside her. James and I are now 25 years old.
"Thank you. It's such an honor to be here- I mean....it's Oprah!!" James says and I laugh, as well as the screaming audience in front of us.
"Yes well. We are very glad you two come. Now Tell me. What is it like living a celebrity life now so many years from departing from TNS?"
"I guess it was hard to accept at first. The fame, to some celebrities really hits hard as they just want to prove they've got talent not be completely stalked or followed or taken a photo of or anything like that. For us as we were dancers and had been at a well known studio for so long, we were kind of used to it I guess now it's just sunk in to be part of our actual lives."I say and she smiles
"Well you guys are like the 2nd best young couple in the world at the moment after Taylor Swift and Harry Styles recently got together and had a secret engagement and wedding. Who can't top them right?!" She says and giggle
"I know they're very loved up" I say laughing and she smiles
"And so are jiley. You guys are married and have two adorable kids right?" She asks us and I smile as James leans over giving me a side hug and I show up my finger with the ring on it.
"Congratulations you two. See aren't they just adorable?!?" She questions the audience who start cheering in agreement. I chuckle looking at James who is smiling
"So before we get to my questions we decided to let you guys answer some fan questions and then we'll get a group selfie. Sound alright?" She says and the audience cheers again and I nod so does James 
"Yeah. Perfect. Let's go!" I say and she smile at us nodding as the secretary gives her the cards with the questions on it.

"So this one is from @jiley122455689yo. She is asking you what is your favorite dance you've done with TNS studio?" Oprah asks and I smile
"Duet with James at internationals I think. That was pretty incredible. The chemistry was really heated in that dance" I admit and she giggle
"The group dance we did at nationals. Rewind. That was lots of fun. And the small group too which was Luther Brown choreo. That was lots of fun to work on" James says and I smile.
"I can imagine. Ok so next one. If you two weren't together and you were forced to marry another celebrity who would it be? This ones from @jileyismylife by the way"
"Ahh well mine would definitely have to be Ryan Gosling. He is amazing" I say and Trevor laughs
"Mine. Probably Selena Gomez" he stays and I look at him crazily
"Yeah I know believe it or not" he says and I giggle
"I'm glad I got you while I could babe" I say and he smirks at me making me laugh
"Ok last one. What was your favorite jiley kiss? From @OTPjiley246" she says and I smile looking at Trevor as he is answering this one first I've decided.
"Ah. Probably the date one by the alleyway. That was pretty special. First one after breaking up"
"The worlds reaction to that was crazy" Oprah says and I giggle
"Mine was our very first one. I'm the studio a. Meant so so much to me" I say and he smiles at me, pulling me into a side hug as the audience awwws at our very close PDA.

"Ok. Alright. So back to my questions. First one. How did you two meet and where? Like give me all the details. Give the world the details" she orders and I chuckle.
"Ummm well ok. We met technically when we were three but romantically at the studio actually. We were in baby dance classes- not the same ones as I was in ballet and James was in baby hip hop classes but I mean we were connected in the same troupe through j troupe, b troupe and a so we've been with each other every step of the way" I explain and she smiles
"Meant to be huh?"
"You know how it is- it just happens..." James says and I chuckle
"Ok so it wasn't long after you first started dating that your couple status and your relationship secret was spread to the world?" She asks and I turn to James
"Yeah well because by then we were really well known, we wanted to keep our relationship on the down low but it wasn't until a fan or more like a freakish stalker spotted us both on a date just after a competition we had done and they snapped a photo. It was at that point that we went into the studio the next day and everyone had found out and they were suspiciously putting me and Riley in everything together on purpose. I remember there was a party for nationals once and they all left the party really weirdly just so then we could dance together. They knew but we didn't know that they knew. It was sort of like that episode of friends I guess" James says and I chuckle
"Yeah it definitely was. I guess we were always meant to be. We're jiley. And from that kiss at nationals it sort of spread further and further. It was at that point that the whole world, well ultimately at internationals, that they knew" i add and she nods
"I remember that day you two kissed at nationals. Magical day. World went wild. Headlines were bombarding on the news that night. The world was so lit up that their favorite couple kissed on stage" she says making me laugh.
"It must've been hard dealing with the media afterwards, after you left"
"Of course. It's really hard adjusting to life without being part of the next step studio but having that extra pressure of the paparazzi and the media really doesn't help ease the pain. The media was basically the reason why we left TNS and not one party of me regrets leaving as I know I wouldn't of been able to deal with the pressure" I say and she looks at me sympathetically
"Do you now look back and wish you could've stayed a bit longer?"
"Not one bit" I admit and she nods
"So. How is your life now? We have all seen your beautiful two daughters Lola and Khloe. How is life after TNS?" She asks and I smile
"Great. I mean with the studio and my family expansion it's awesome. I've always wanted kids. James has known that ever since we were little and we played mummy's and daddy's when we were 3. To have that feeling of potentially handing over my experience of dance to the next generation is incredible and I have complete faith in them to do so. Lola has already started baby ballet actually. You guys wanna see?" I ask and they all scream 'YES!!' As the film I sent through plays on the big screen. It was of her do cute little leaps around the bar. It's so adorable. She's in her tutu too.

"That's so so cute" she says and I smile looking at James
"Ok well thank you James and Riley for joining us. It's been a pleasure speaking to you." She says and I smile, nodding
"Its been a lot of fun. Thank you!" I say and she smiles
"Make sure you pop in to Dance Til You Drop, with studios opening next Thursday 31st July all around Canada. We'll be back soon America with more celeb news right after the break!" Oprah announce and I smile waving at some of the fans as I hear the director call cut. They immediately usher us off the stage and get us ready to go home. Lola is waiting backstage with my mum and so is Khloe. They watched the whole thing. My mum being my mum wanted to watch it too so they all came along.

"That was awesome. Thank you so much!!" I say to Oprah backstage as we leave.
"No problem. Lovely having you on the show. You guys staying for after show meet and greets?" She asks and I smile sympathetically shaking my head
"Sorry we have Lola's recital. We can come back again next year maybe" I reason and she smiles nodding enthusiastically
"That's sounds perfect" she agrees and simile giving her one last hug as we say goodbye and reach the exit of the set we are on to be then crowded with so many cameras and flashing lights everywhere. We are ushered into a can to take us to Lola's dance recital while the cameras are ushered away from us.

I guess this is my life now. And this is what I have to go through. I mean even though this sucks- the cameras and the media everywhere and always in your face 24/7, it's still ok because in the end I have everything I could possibly ever want.

But most importantly. I have family.

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