Y-- You

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A/N : Second last one- it's taken me 8 months but I'm nearly there 😉
Grace xx

James POV

Tonight was my last show on the tour. I have been touring on a cross-Canada route with my band for the past month and to be honest I couldn't wait to come home. I missed my family, friends, atroupe. Everyone. I loved the tour and playing with the boys, don't get me wrong was insane but I think I was at that point where I just wanted to come home.

I was pumped for tonight's show. It was in Toronto which meant that it was going to be the biggest one yet. Since its like the main city, this show was sold out in like a day. All 50,000 seats. And out band isn't that huge. I mean it's popular.....in Canada but worldwide we're sort of still working on.  Tonight all of atroupe was coming. And i was super excited. I hadn't see any of my dance friends in so long and next week they go off to Regionals so they leave as well so I guess spending as much time with them as possible.....is the way to go. I couldn't wait to see Riley most of all. When she found out I was leaving dance for the band she was gutted but I can genuinely say that I've never seen riley as upset as she was when I told her that I was going on tour.

(A.k.a the moment of the season4 trailer when she cries and she's on the phone to james....that moment 👇

I haven't seen her in over a month and I miss her like crazy

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I haven't seen her in over a month and I miss her like crazy. Tonight's really important though because I'm going to ask her to move in with me. I just hope she says yes.
"Yo James?! You ready to rehearse bro?" Luke calls out, I nod, grabbing my drumsticks and head out of my hotel room, and into the venue.

Riley POV

"James!!" I squeal running up to him. He smiles as I give him a huge hug. It's now around 6pm and we are all just chilling at the venue. All of atroupe apart from Alfie watch us sweetly reunite before they join in on the hug too. Alfie just stands there.
"Ahhhh I'm so excited to see you perform babe" I say, smiling as james takes my hands in his, swinging them up and down as we walk further away from the group
"How are you?" He asks and I smile
"Amazing. I miss you though" he smiles, pecking my cheek
"And the studio?" I nod
"Yeah all sorted. Regionals next week!"
"You pumped?"
"Yeah! You going to come?" I ask him intrigued and he smiles
"Course!" He says and I smile back before Alfie comes running up
"Riles! Wanna go for dinner!!" He asks calling me by the name James ONLY calls me. I see james's frustrated reaction as he continues interrupting me and james
"Er, no not really Alfie, I'm kind've in be middle of--"
"Ok great! I was thinking of going to the really cute restaurant down the road" he says, dragging me away from james
"Bye Riley" james says from behind and I smile weakly waving to him before being dragged even more by Alfie. I was nervous. I mean I don't know how he would react. Alfie has been all over me after james left. It's like he had just assumed james and I broke up and so he thought it was right to just start flirting with me. Which isn't cool and he knows that.

"Alfie, seriously you need to slow down. I haven't seen him in over a month. I see you an hour ago! Don't you think that was a little too forward?!" I ask sitting down at the table
"Ah, no?! I love talking to you" he says and I mentally face palm myself. This was going to be a longgggggg dinner.

James POV

I'm angry. I'm not annoyed and I'm  not jealous. I'm angry. It was my one and only time with Riley, MY girlfriend and he had to ruin it. I knew he looked like a threat right from the beginning. I trust Ri of of course but I don't trust him, so I follow them. All the way to the restaurant. And what I see gets my temper pushed right off the cliff. They kissed.....well nearly. Riley pulled away and I'm so thankful she did because I would've been so mad otherwise. I now know what she felt like. And I feel terrible. I walk away after seeing riley storm off. I feel for her, she shouldn't have to deal with this. Suddenly I get a text.

"James. I'm going home. We'll catch up later. Good bye and good luck. Riley 😘" I sigh frustrated at Alfie as he shouldn't have done what he did. He upset my girl and no one upsets my girl.

Riley POV
I'm so angry. Alfie had no right to lean I'm like that. I mean I'm with james and only james. He doesn't have a right to just come in and disturb it. I don't want to tell james. I know I have to but I just can't. I'm too mad to right now. Ii get to my apartment and slouch down on the couch. I texted james ages ago and he still hasn't replied, probably still mad at me for just leaving like that. Ugghh what I night. I about to get comfy, make myself some hot chocolate and get into my pjs but am suddenly stopped by a single text message. From Michelle.

"RILEY!!! JAMES HAS JUST FALLEN OVER THE STAGE AND MAY HAVE SPLIT HIS HEAD. Riley the ambulance, police, security everyone's here riley but you! Please hurry!!" I see the text and from the moment I see my name in capital letters I'm already bolting out the door with my bag, heels in my hands ready to put on in the car.

James POV
"I took a ride on a Monday, and that's when I fell, I fell in love with you" I hear Shane start to sing.....I see Michelle out of the corner of my eye who's winked at me indicating that my plans worked. Riley should be here any minute.

"The way you roll your shorts and bite your nails you know opposites attract. I wanna see the world with you, I wanna take you by the hand. Don't even worry about it you'll understand" Shane keeps singing the chorus just as I see a familiar figure run frantically into the venue over to Michelle. I see them talk for a bit, riley looking a little mad but Michelle just tells her to be quiet and calms her anger while Shane is still singing

"I wanna see the world with you, where you go I will follow, what's better than us, what's better than us, you don't wanna know" he says before finishing the song. I smile hitting my last note before turning my head to riley. It's the end of the show now and I'm finally allowed to go see her. I push my way past everyone before reaching her and pulling her arm away and back into the back of the venue. In private. Without Alfie.

"James I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to just stop you from me seeing me. He just kept pulling me further and further away and I couldn't get a chance to stop him. You don't even wanna know what happened"
"I know" I say quietly hut she doesn't realise so she keeps talking
"He tried to KISS me! Kiss me!! He meant in and nearly kissed me"
"But you pulled away" she tilts her head confused probably about I knew that. "Listen Ri, I don't care. I mean I'm going to kill Alfie later but I really don't give a shit. Riley I love you more than anything and when you pulled away it made me realise how lucky I am to have such a trustworthy, respectful person in my life like you. So in that case I was also wondering if you'd like to move in with me?" I ask nervously and she's almost taken aback
"What leave the past in the past and just move on"
"Or move in..." I say and she giggles, pausing before nodding.
"Yes James. I'd love too" she says pursing her lips together and smiling, coming to kiss me. And it was an awesome kiss.

SO much better than Alfies "going to be "kiss anyways

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