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Riley POV
I wake up this morning with this feeling. This special feeling. A feeling that I have never felt before. and it comes to me that we might've created a human last night.

Wait. That's jumping to far conclusions. Lets restart.

I wake up this morning reflecting on last night. I remember it so vividly. it was incredible. James and I are married a year and bit now and we now work at TNS, still keep I'm touch with atroupe as much as we can as we do work with them and we have normal mid twenty year old lives. Except I am now 26. Nearly 27 and James is 27 and you don't know how badly we have wanted a baby. You don't even know the extremes we have gone through. But it's still not working. And I want it to. So bad.

Picking up from before; this morning I feel different. And may this be the time I get pregnant I don't know? But I promised James that if this wasn't the time, we would have to get a fertility test taken. But again I don't want to. I feel like Monica and Chandler off Friends. And they adopted in the end but that is something I REFUSE to do. And James knows that. and so does everyone else.

James starts to wake up so I swivel my way around to face him. he looks so cute when he's sleepy. I almost want to repeat what we did last night he's that adorable
"Hey sleepy head" I say
"Morning beautiful. Enjoy our night? I thought we did pretty well myself" he says leaning in for a kiss. I kiss him back......twice. you never know this could end up in a repeat.
"Actually yeah I really did enjoy it. I feel different. this might be the time James." I say hopeful
"Lets hope babe. now I'm having a shower. care to join me?" he asks getting up
"No it's ok. definitely tomorrow. I'm going to go and make some coffee and breakfast since its Monday and we have work in an hour." I say and he yells from the bathroom
"Aggh. Monday. my favorite day" he says sarcastically
I laugh.
"I'll be in the kitchen" I yell out, outing some clothes on. I get a pot out and start making the coffee with all of these thoughts drifting through my head.
James comes back out and I hand him his now made coffee.
"Thanks baby" he says and I smile
"You're welcome. hey I was thinking. would it hurt to go and get the testing done today? it may be better. say after work?" I suggest
"Sure. I guess youre right. I really want this as much as you do so it's better to be safe than sorry" he says and I smile again, finishing off my coffee and waking to the bedroom
"I'm just getting changed. how log do we have?" I ask him
"About 45" I reply with an ok before hopping in the shower and then doing my hair, makeup and putting on a pink jumpsuit and by the time in done, its time to go. 8:00
"Yep" I say
We start driving to the next step studio and when we get there James tells me he has booked a fertility test for this afternoon. I nod my head and we walk in hand in hand to our first class


Once the day is over we jump in our car, exhausted and drive to the fertility testing.
"Ok Riley I want you to know that whatever happens in here, if it doesn't go right or something goes wrong, if its me or you etc... I will be here for you 100% and we will get through it and we will definitely and I will reassure you until we get one, that we will have a baby. our baby. from our blood. from our generation. from us. ok?" he says and I give him a kiss and a hug and say ok before walking into the room.

We have to wait a while until both of our names are called and we part ways. I finish earlier than James so I just sit waiting for him and he comes out 10 minutes later. we thank the staff and then drive home. waiting patiently for the results. I am so nervous, my mind is about I explode. when we get home I make us spaghetti bolognese and we eat it in the kitchen on our island bench. After, we watch a movie together snuggled up before having a long make out session and then going to bed.

We wake up in the morning and go to our first class for today which is a combined class. for jtroupe. I love this class as its with James and I live these kids they are so cute.
"Ok so we are going I start with a canon from all of you, going down the line where you all do pirouettes. then you are going to backflip into first position and then to the splits. then Madalyn and Gabby on the ends you two and going to try the aeriel that I showed you the other day while the rest of the girls will do a contemporary routine which I will show you in a minute and the guys will do James hip hop routine which he will show you---" I am cut off by the sound of a phone

It ends up ring mine so I giggle before excusing myself out of the room and answering it.
"Hello?" I answer
"Hi is this Riley?" the man says
"Yes this is she"
"Hi Riley. This is Dr. Matthews here with your results from the fertility test you took yesterday. they have just come through. would you like I hear them?" he asks and I can't tell through his voice if its good news or had news.
"Ah yes please" I say nervously
"Ok well there turned out to be nothing wrong with James nor you so Im happy to say that you're pregnant believe it or not. it's only the lucky few that revive that news Riley congratulations" he says and I almost drop the phone
"I'm what!!? oh my gosh that so exciting. Thankyou so so much. agh you don't know how happy I am." I reply grinning like an idiot
"It's ok Riley congrats again and I hope it works out for you both" he says and I say bye and ten hang up the phone. then I literally sprint into James's arms when I walk in the room
"Hey hey. why's going on? why are you so excited?" he asks confused.
I pause before turning to jtroupe who looks more puzzled than James.
"I'm pregnant!!?" I scream and all true faces light up.
"Oh my gosh really?" James says lifting me up and spinning me around
"Yeah that was then on the phone. agh James I'm so happy it's the bet news ever!!" I squeal and James pulls me into a kiss. it would've lasted longer until we heard a throat being cleared noise
"Ah hem" madalyn says and we giggle
"You're lucky thy didnt go any further." James says
"Yeah we are" one of the boys, Sam says.
It's silent before madalyn speaks up again
"Well congrats you guys" he yells as she forms us all into a big hug

This. is the best day ever!!!!

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