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Riley POV
So today we are going in for our third days of battles and we are waiting to see who James picked out of the hat of names. We all arrive and to our surprise Phoebe has brought in these Contemporary dancers who at first I don't recognize but then all of a sudden it clicks
"Oh my god!!" I scream as I run over to Maddie literally tackling her to the floor.
"Riley! It's so good to see you again! I didn't know you danced here" she said to me as I just smiled at her.
"Ahh I'm sorry to ruin your moment but what the hell in this world is going on here and who is Maddie?!" James asks and I giggle
"Ok everyone this is Maddie Ziegler. She along with her team from the Abby Lee Dance Studio have come today obviously to do something with us which I'm not quite sure" I tell everyone
"But when I went to a dance convention a couple of months ago, Maddie was there and I got to meet her. She is amazing! You've seen her on Dance Moms right?!" I add
Everyone nods except James
"No! What! This is so confusing. I just don't get it. How do you know her, why is she here and how in the world is she--" James starts but I cut him off with a kiss
"Ok. I get it now"James smirks and I smile
"Good. Now Miss Kate what are we doing today?" I ask her
"Well Riley and may I say Thankyou for that little performance I'm sure Maddie here feels welcome and James err comfortable around you know" she says to me and I laugh
"No worries it's what always shuts him up- it's cute" I say and James pulls me into a side hug
"Ok so Atroupe. Today we have these very talented young dancers that are here to watch us dance. Abby is also here and Maddie who are helping Phoebe, Lucien and I with who should get on the Internationals team" Kate explains
"Ooo exciting! You have to choose me!!" I say excitedly
Kate glares at me and I bury my head into James chest
"Ok so should we get started?" Kate says and we all nod. James pulls me aside though
"Hey. You ok with all this?" he asks
"Yeah sure" I say. I can feel atroupe watching so I keep it simple talk
"Ok wish me luck" he says before pecking my lips. I feel slow her rising to my cheeks
"Good luck" I say softly, pulling apart.

James goes to the front where the hats of names lies and pulls out a name ruffling the paper as he does. his face suddenly turns from confident to just pure devastated.
He pauses and slowly puts the name down and runs out
"James" I call out running after him
I hear atroupe mumbling and conversing back in Studio A but at the moment I don't care.
"James" I say finally and he turns around and just pushes his lips onto mine. I deepen the kiss and then pull away slightly taken aback
"James. Whose name did you pick?" I ask him slowly and nervously
He takes a deep breath before saying my name
"Yours. Riley" he says slowly and you can here the tone in his voice
I can feel tears starting to form and I just look away but soon am pulled in by the arms of my amazing boyfriend.
I finally come to the realization that I have to stop crying
"James what are we going to do!?" I ask still sobbing
Then miss Kate walks in with us
"Guys. James. Are you ok?" she asks
"Riley oh my god. what. What?! What happened!?" she asks me and James
"I picked my girlfriends name miss Kate. I picked Riley. I'm sorry I can't do this" he says pulling away from my hug and walks away
It's silent between me and Kate for a minute and then I speak
"If he's out. I'm out. its how we roll. Jiley forever and nothing will tear us apart" I say sobbing still, running after James

It's quiet. Nothing's going on. I am in my apartment with James and I am just so upset. This is the worst case scenario. He chose my name. I just can't believe it.
Then we suddenly, while we are having dinner, hear a knock on the door. I put my fork down and open it and it reveals Maddie. The Maddie Ziegler. Maddie Ziegler is in my house!!!!
"Hi" I say
"Hey. I'm sorry I didn't realize you two were eating. I can come back later" she says politely
"No no. Come in" I say and she smiles at me and comes into the kitchen where James is still eating
"Hey Maddie." he says
'Hi James. how come you're here? you two live together?" she asks
"Some nights we do. He stays here but other nights we don't. Tonight he does live here" I say proudly
She nods as smiles at the two of us
"So. How can we help you?" I ask
"So. I heard you're little drama performance at the studio today and I just wanted to come and talk to you about it" she explains
"Ok...." I say a bit unsure of where this conversation is going
"Listen. I know James picked your name but for both of you, there is no reason you can't compete. You are both incredible dancers and lets face it- I would hate to see you split but to be honest you should both be competing and fighting, FOR THE TEAM. No matter how much you two hate to compete against each other, it won't matter. You are to put away your personal lives and do it for your own teams good." She explains
"Yeah. Ok" I say guilty looking at James
"Sure. for the team" he says. She looks at both of us and smiles
"Hey. Everything will be alright. You will still be jiley after all and if you are by the time internationals come, I guarantee you that one or the other will invite the other person to come and watch them anyway. You two do live together. Sort of. So it's not like you won't see each other as much. It's this or nothing at all" she says strongly.
We both nod
"Thanks Maddie. you really helped us" I say as she starts to head out
"No problem and good luck. me judging was only a one day thing" she said
"Thankyou. Bye Maddie" I say
"No worries. Bye James"
"Bye Maddie thanks for everything" he says
"See you later" she says before leaving
"So....We going to do it?" I ask James
"Ri. She's right. It's this or nothing at all" he says.

An from that moment on- guilt reaches my stomach and the churner turns on. This is not going to be good.

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