T-- The Next Step

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(A/N) This is the longest chapter I probably have ever written. I wrote in the end 3465 words and it took me 3 hours haha! I hope you enjoy, it's all about Jiley and their time at TNS. Leave comments below, let me know what you think of it xxx

Riley POV

I wake up, hearing the chirping of the birds next door whistling away on their own branches peacefully. I groan, rolling over to see my clock switch both its hands to 7:15 and realise that I need to get up and be at the studio by 8. I quickly hop in the shower, soothing my muscles and making me warm and relaxed before changing into my dance clothes and putting on my makeup and doing my hair, preparing my dance bag at the same time. I go and eat my quick breakfast and then spend my last 5 minutes waiting for James to pick me up, on social media and answering good luck texts.

Today is James and I's last day in the studio. Recently a few of us got selected to try out for Julliard- the most prestigious dance school in the world located in New York City. I gotta say I think we were all nervous. There were 5 of us who tried out- Eldon, Giselle, West, James and I. But only James and I got through and therefore gaining scholarships to Julliard School of Dance for Hip Hop (James) and Contemporary (me). I've got to admit that I was upset. I didn't want to go because I didn't want to leave my friends, my family behind. I mean they tried out with us but got rejected, I couldn't just go along with something they didn't get into. It would be betrayal. But then I thought about me. About myself. And about my career- my future. I think in end, Julliard is a yes or a no type opportunity. You take it or you don't. And for me, passing up this opportunity just makes no sense because it's super super exciting. Once I found out that James made it through too, I was reassured and was 100% certain that I was going.

I am still upset and really quite nervous to leave home. To go all the way to New York and say goodbye to all my family and friends and of course a-troupe. I knew from the moment I tried out that if I got in, that would be the consequence. But it's my life and it's my choice and this is what I have to do. Plus I have James. Obviously, there will be an unrealistic situation where something goes wrong but between me and him, romantic wise, nothing will change. I hope.

"Hey!!!!" I say greeting my boyfriend after he rung the doorbell. I pull him into a soft 'hello' kiss and then a tight hug before he takes my hands in his.
"Ready to do this?" He asks and I nod. This is it. This is the final day.

After James insisted on going inside and grabbing my dance clothes, himself, I decided to meet James in the car.
"You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eye and I got that red lip classic thing that you like and when we come crashing down, we come back every time. We never go out of style, we never go out of style" I sing to the radio as I wait for James. He comes in soon after, smirking.
"I got that James Dean look in my eye have I? Damn if only my surname was Dean!!" He says, chuckling making me laugh as well.
"Come on. Let's go"


James POV

We arrive at the studio for the last time. Looking up at the sign and walking through the hallway of the entrance, I squeeze Ri's hand before we walk in together. Today's going to be awesome. I've planned the whole thing without her knowing. We're basically just going to everything that Jiley has done when we were at the studio, all in one day. And then at the end, we are going to have our studio date and I'm going to give her a promise ring. It's going to be really fun and memorable if all goes well. The cast are going to be there for some of it too, prepping Riley will hints and stuff which will be fun. They'll also be secretly watching our studio date- hopefully without being discovered.

"So, what's up first babe?" She asks me and I smirk turning to look at her.
"We've got so many duets to do today Ri. But I thought that we'd do our very first one together- Dance Till Dawn with the hat. No ones coming in until this arvo, they've left us the studio for half the day to do our own thing and say goodbye privately and stuff" I explain and she nods
"Sounds good" she smiles. God I love her smile.

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