W-- Walk Ins

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Lola POV

This morning felt different to most mornings. I mean yes it's a Sunday and to me Sunday mornings are like the best thing ever invented but something about this Sunday morning was definitely off. I'm now 14 and most of us 14 year olds can tell between the good and the bad mornings. The sleep-ins that are interrupted are obviously the bad ones and the sleep-ins that are good usually consist of 12:00pm wake ups. They're heaven.

Khloe, my younger sister who's a little younger than me, probably around 12 I don't know, is a pain. And she knows when I'm grumpy. Usually because I come into her room; my hair all messy and I have no make up on, screaming at her. She's not scared or intimidated cause for the both of us it's kind've returned as a usual daily practice now.

But anyways, all week my parents have been pulling off disgusting acts of love. I mean to me it's gross but Khlo just Awwwws her way through it. Ughh I swear dads been giving her more hickeys than my collection of lipstick. And trust me- that's a lot of hickeys. Everyday they come back from work and just collapse into full make-out thinking that we can't see it.

But duh! Of course we can, they do it right in the middle of our living room. Sometimes, and only sometimes, do I think that they're cute and that's only cause they've been together and married along time already and are known as the famous 'Jiley' all over the world and they deserve to have their time once in a while but now it's kind've getting ridiculous. And I've had enough.

It finally came to the point this last night that I had to see what was going on. I had so many assumptions to why they were being like this. This crazily gross way of being a couple?! Maybe dad was leaving and they wanted to spend every single moment together before he did or maybe they both felt like they hadn't spend enough time together or maybe even Mum was pregnant again and they were just even more excited and in love than ever before. I was so fed up though and I couldn't deal with the domestic PDA any longer. I decided that I had to ring my Aunty as I knew she would most likely know the answer.

"Hello?" I asked
"Oh hey Lola, how are you sweetie?" Emily asked, I smiled.
"I'm good. A little grossed out but good"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean my parents have been acting more loved up than ever effort this week. I thought you'd know why?" She sighs and there's a long pause at the end of the line
"Lola, what's the date today?"
"June 23rd. Why? She's not pregnant again is she?" She laughs
"No! Well at least I hope she isn't" she says and I laugh again, playing with my eyelashes
"Emily what's going on? Why are they like this!?" I ask again, growing more and more impatient by the second
"This time today, the two of them met each other at The Next Step studios. They were both in J-Troupe but I still remember it like it happened yesterday" she says and I sigh as she continues on with the story
"Ri was already there with me as we'd been there since we were like 2 years old. But James walked in and miss Kate asked Riley to give him a tour of the studio. They spent the whole day together and by the end of it Your mum was just so excited to come to the studio everyday- not just for fame but for James. And then as they grew older they both made it back into atroupe together at the same time and their relationship kind've grew from there but they were 13 when they met and they're 33 now so I guess it's their 20 year anniversary tomorrow" she said and I smile
"That's a cute story Em, but it's still really gross"
"It's cute! But I get what you mean- they can be a little ott sometimes"
"Tell me about it. They've been at each other all week" I complain
"Well just be nice to them. It's their anniversary- they can't help it gorgeous. Anyways I gotta go pick up your cousin from ballet. Bye"
"Oh bye Aunty Emily"

********** PRESENT DAY
And that's when it all clicked. It was the 20th year of Jiley. Flash backing that conversation I kind've feel better. I mean my parents are gross and I can't express that enough but they are I guess a little cute.

It's now 9am and I'm fully awake now. I'm not grumpy. I get ready for the day- taking a shower and doing my hair and makeup. Today I'm going to the beach with my friends from school. It's gong to be awesome and as its a weekend, I can just chill.

After waking up Khloe, I go downstairs to the kitchen and start making coffee for myself
"Dad?!" I call out. Usually by this time they should be up by now. But they're not. And I need a lift to the beach so one of them better be awake soon. Khloe comes down the stairs looking all fresh faced and ready for her Sunday and I smile at her as she starts making her breakfast too.
"Hey Khlo, do you know where mum and dad are?" I ask her causally
"Nah, it's their anniversary today though so they are probably just having a sleep in Lola, maybe go check on them. You need a lift to the beach right?"
"Yeah I leave in an hour. Mum takes double that time to get ready" I say stressing a bit.
"Yeah I would go"
"I don't want to interrupt them though"
"Neither. Ooo maybe we could make them both breakfast in bed and then that way we have an excuse to going in there" I nod my head
"Yeah ok. That sounds good" I say as I start getting out the bread.

Once we finish getting our parents breakfast ready {smoked salmon with avocado on sour dough for two. With orange juice and a bouquet of flowers on each tray} we walk up together to their room. I can hear really loud voices almost groans and I'm kind've scared about interrupting so I'm hoping it's either them sleep talking or them actually talking. But I was wrong.

"Ahhhhh James!!! Deeper baby. Yes! Oh my god. Shit!! Yes James!!"
"That's it baby girl. Ride it---"

"AHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD!!!" I interrupt their "situation." I drop the trays turning to Khloe who is doing the same. The foods gone every where as we just cover our eyes. Our mum and dad, our own mum and dad, were having sex together and we just walked in on it. Like why?!

Could they get anymore gross?! And to think that I was only now kind've adjusting to liking them doing this stuff. Yeah, it's gone back to me absolutely hating it. It's going to take me years to get this image out of my mind.

Thank you The Next Step ahahahah for scaring my life forever.

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