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James POV
"Morning babe" James says as we wake up on Monday morning bright and early.
"Hey" I groan
"What's with the groaning missy?" he asks me smirking
"It's Monday. we have to go to work" I say to him in a 'duh don't you know' tone.
"Yeah...." is all he says. what? this is so confusing!

After we have breakfast, we hop in the at and start driving to the studio where we teach atroupe for regionals but James drives straight past
"James!!? That was the studio? you went straight past it!!!?" I scream
"Yeah..." is still all he says
We keep driving and driving and tbh this is absolutely killing me. im always or of those people that need to know were they're going all the time. never a surprise.
Suddenly we pull up to Toronto airport.
"James. why are we at the airport? and if we're going somewhere- don't we need suitcases or luggage?" I whisper- shout
"Yeah...." he says again
"Aggghhh James just tell me. the 'yeahs.....' are really getting irritating now. just please" I beg
"No. just a couple more hours I promise" he tells me
"Ok" I say as I take my luggage and wheel it over to the security area.
We arrive in what seems like the outside of Warner Bros. Studios. I know this place. When I was 19, I came here with Chloe and we say on the FRIENDS couch in 'Central Perk' pretending we were Rachel (me) and Phoebe (Chloe) it was pretty funny
We walk around the outer set and see all of the FRIENDS merchandise in which we purchase a FRIENDS mug each, and then we finally move into FRIENDS'S famous Central Perk
"Ok wait James why are we even here? like why are we doing this--" I am interposed as James turns on the lights to central perk, lighting up the area
"SURPRISE!!!" everyone screams as I jump in fright as everyone crowds around me.
"Oh my gosh!!" I say completely overwhelmed
"Why are you? why? how? What is this?" I ask really confused
Then James turns to me
"It was a surprise as I wanted to share this day with everyone not just us. we haven't seen these guys since we graduated from atroupe and moved on in our lives" James says as I look around at everyone from atroupe in 2015. Michelle, Eldon, Hunter, West, Stephanie, Giselle, Emily, Noah, Max, Chloe, Cierra and Amanda. wow- they were all here
"Wow you all did come. but what for?" I ask
James turns to me
"Today, 5 years ago as it is 2018 now, Jiley got together" he announces.
"And this is my gift I you" he says and I'm shocked. I move my way out of the circle and turn to James.
"Come on" I say
"Where are we going?" he asks
"You'll see"
We end up at this studio type thing where I planned for the producers to set up a last minute set of what jileys first day looked like. I, today, was actually going to bring James here as I knew that today was our anniversary too, but he beat me to it. We walk inside as my mouth drops open and so doesn't james's. atroupe look like they're going to faint they are so amazed
"Riley--" James starts but I kiss him to shut him up
"Welcome to James and Riley's First Date- April 27th 2013, exactly 5 years ago. Happy anniversary baby" I say giving James a hug and all of atroupe awww making them receive big glares from me and James
"Happy anniversary" he replies
"Ok so. lets start this date off hey?" I ask him and he nods
"We're going to head out, because judging by you know the environment you guys are in and it is your anniversary, we should give it your space. we really don't want to see how a future jiley generation is made. that's just. too much. I don't want to be an aunty yet" Em says and I laugh
"Ok see you guys later. thanks for the surprise!" I say and they smile, waking out; probably back to the set of FRIENDS.
"Where were we?" I ask and James smirks
James pulls me in close and we make out for roughly 20 minutes, before I decide its time to eat so we eat all of the food that was on our date last time- Indian, American etc. it was so good.
After that (as on our first date) James asks me to dance.
We slow dance and kiss like we did 5 years ago and I can't help but imagine those days. my first date days. they were so long ago! and to think that all through those times, the break up, the list, the make ups, nationals, competing against each other, internationals; have moulded us into us. I couldn't be more happier with James. in glad I took him back and I'm glad James studied maths and didn't fail. because if he did fail, jiley probably wouldn't even exist.

5 years ago....or today

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