R-- Reindeers

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This one shot is part of my #5DaysofChristmas . Day #2. It's going to be so exciting as it requires a little bit of magic and imagination from the mind and heart. This sorry is completely fictional and you really need some Christmas spirit before you read. Enjoy. Xxx

Riley POV

I sigh balancing myself on the couch. It's 7pm on Christmas Eve. We have just been to Church already as the kids love to 'pray that they get good presents' before the actual day and now they are all in bed. My two precious innocent girls. Lola who's 6 and Khloe who is 3. My 8 month bump annoying me as hell as I attempt to shuffle out of the uncomfortable spot I'm in at the moment.
"JAMES!!!" I yell as I fail to move.
"What? What happen? Seriously Riley you scare me so much gorgeous" I giggle
"There's no baby. Promise. I just-can't-move" I say awkwardly and be chuckle offering out his hands as I laugh, grabbing them in he process and standing up.
"We have a lot to do tonight. Are you up for it? You are 8 months pregnant!" He says sounding stressed.
"It's just wrapping and putting stuff in stockings plus the kids get so excited. I couldn't not do it. Too harsh on the girls"
"And boy" he says placing his hand on my stomach. About a month ago we found out we were having a boy. We have painted his room a baby sky blue colour and it looks amazing. The girls are soooooo exciting it's actually kinda cute. I smile at James as he leans in to kiss me.
"Right well let's get started then. I'll make us the traditional hot cocoa and marshmallows. Are you right getting the presents from the basement?" He asks me and I nod leaning in for another kiss.
"I only bought them light presents babe for my benefit" I explain and he smiles before nodding again and then getting our drinks.
"Oh Ri?"
"Yeah" I ask turning back around
"Make sure you don't lock yourself out. There's a bit of a chill so you're going to have to close the door behind you but bring your phone with you and just text me when you've got all the presents so then I can let you out" he says and I nod showing him my phone before I make my way to the basement, stepping down the 18 stairs that leads me to the cupboard full of presents. In our spare room we usually have a wrapping machine that only came out about two years ago but is extremely helpful. We have so many presents so it's really hard to wrap them all in one night so this machine wraps them with tape and everything. Basically all me and James do is set up their big presents. Like this year they are getting a bike. Both of them meaning James has to set them up whether I will do the doll house by myself as the packaging says some of its already done. I can't do too much but it's Christmas and I love giving my girls a good Christmas. That's the whole point of it!

I finally find the presents all squashed up in the far corner so that they couldn't find it. It's so far away though and there's a big piece of wood that's wobbly in the middle. I'm so afraid that I might trip over it. Damage my baby boy inside of me but I can't not give my kids Christmas. I'm so torn. I decide to be safe and not go through the wood that's loose and call James.

I fumble for my phone, my hands still on the rail next to me, keeping my balance. The basement in all freaks me out; there is one window but it's broken- it won't open, only one door and like James said doesn't open from the inside as the handle is broken. There's no phones whatsoever, all these dusty toys from when I was a kid and when James was younger too. All our awards and childhood keepsakes. All our relationship me worries are here too; photo albums from when we were dancing at the next step. All our regionals, Nationals, internationals medals, certificates. Teddy bears from when we were 3/4. They're all here. It's kind've a soft environment but still quite creepy. It's dark with one light too. Just really weird.

I hit my phone, impatient as it won't work. Theres either no reception down here or my phones dead. It's black and I've never been good with phones like this. This is I think the iPhone.......18- the latest one and so far it's a load of crap. It might be my pregnancy brain- I'm never sure but ever since I got it I can't work it. I give up, taking my risk and ending up going across the piece of wood.

It doesnt work though.
I'm stuck.

"Aghhhhhh" I scream as I tumble over. Landing on my bum. And my back. My body killing like mad.
"James!!!!" I scream again. Really in pain now. Hopefully he can hear me. Maybe he's already making his way to get me.

But there's no response. No footsteps.
I can't do anything.

I can't get out. I've fallen over and I'm literally stuck between the wall and the piece of wood. I'm completely trapped and there is nothing that I can do to get out. I start crying, tears dripping down my face. Feeling so scared. So anxious. So helpless. Worthless. Worried. So many emotions just falling through me. And I can't do anything. Nothing.

All of a sudden I hear this tapping noise and my tears stop flowing for like a second as a rush of hope fills me. That could be Trevor!
"Help!!!" I yell but there's no reply
"Please! Someone! Anyone!!" I scream again but I don't hear anyone reply back. By now I'm completely hopeless. I don't have any belief that anyone's going to come and rescue me. Trevor's probably stressing so much right now- not to mention me. The wreck that is trapped.

The noise keep repeating and at first I feel really scared. I could get taken. Kidnapped. Killed. But my thoughts are interrupted as I see this bright glow towards the window. The only window. The broken window but window that is so think I can see anything out of. It's Toronto though. The middle of winter. It's going to be hard to see anything. But not this time. The glow becomes bigger and before I know it I see a figure appear at the frozen window.

It's a reindeer.

"Hello?" It says.
What it can talk?

"Ummm hi! Can you please help me!! I'm stuck. Trapped. I need to get out of here!!" I scream loudly and the reindeer smiles, jumping down from the bench above me to come and join me down on the floor between the wall and wood. He's flying though
"Whys your name?"
"Riley." I reply
"Well I'm Rudolph. A reindeer from Santas North Pole. I'm a rescue Reindeer. I see you're having a baby!" He says and I smile
"Yeah it's a boy" I reply to the talking reindeer. I can't believe I'm talking to a reindeer.
"A boy!? I'm a boy!" He says and I giggle
"Well that's nice"
"Yeah it is nice. So where's your.....what do they call it!?......BOYFRIEND!!" He yells and I laugh. This reindeer was funny.
"Husband you mean. We're married" o say and he interrupts "oh congratulations!" He says making me laugh again "Thank you" I say and he winks at me.
"Well he's actually up--" I start but he obviously can't hear me so he starts talking over the top of me, making me giggle.
"So do you wanna get out of here?" He says quite loudly
"Ah, well yes please. That would be great. I'm sorry though can I ask? How do you get me out of h--?" I ask but again I'm interrupted as he points his red nose at my body and I can automatically stand up, no longer trapped.
"How did you do that?" I ask stunned but he shushes me as he whispers

"No ones to know. It's our secret"

Before he disappears. I am left in the basement alone and stress starts to kick in again before I realise that the pain is gone and my phone is now turning on- fully charged and I have reception too.

Reindeers are magic. And it's now made me a believer. 😇❤️

A/N; hey guys. Sorry just realised how terrible that was but if you like it make sure you vote and comment below what you think xxx

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