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*Sonic's POV *
"You need sleep." Manic said as he paced around the living room holding Sage. He'd come visit me with his new boyfriend, someone I hated yet I now had to get along with.

"Did you marry Shadow?" Scourge asked as he took a hit of his pen and then started coughing.

"No smoking." I glared at him and waved the smoke away. "And no. We are just 'together'." I explained.

"Put that thing away." Manic scolded his boyfriend, who took a bit but eventually listened. "So you ARE married?"

"Uhm. No. Well. By common law, we are apparently because we made it seem we were to adopt her, but not really because we don't intend to nor do we live together." I said. "He does come over every day to spend time with her, though."

"Like now. What the hell is he doing here?" Shadow said as he walked inside and saw Scourge.

"He's my brothers boyfriend. You technically can not touch him. While he's seeing someone in the family, he's protected by the family." I said to Shadow. "There's food in the fridge if you're hungry."

"I'm fine." He said as he walked to sit by me.

"Domesticated now, are ya, Stripes?" Scourge smirked.

"Shadow." I said once I saw him clench his fist and about to get up to punch him.

"I won't say anything." Manic shrugged as he played with Sage. "Go ahead. He deserves it."

"What the- Aren't you supposed to -" Scourge panicked, and before I could even stop Shadow, Shadow was already in front of Scourge and punched him roughly, making him fall off the couch.

"Don't think you can get out of situations like this just because we are together. I'm not going to let you use me in any way." Manic scoffed then sat beside me and passed me Sage.

"Why give Shadow a pass?" I rubbed my face.

"A pass? Shadow is family now, isn't he? He can do whatever he wants anyway." Manic said, making my ears go up. 

"What do you mean?" Scourge asked as he got up and glared at Shadow.

"Well, they may not be a couple, but they did adopt a kid together. So technically, both Shadow and Sage are part of the family." Manic explained, and it suddenly hit me. It was true.

"So, no strings attached type of situation?" Scourge hummed. "Yet Blue over here plays house for him?" I was about to throw the remote to the TV at his face, but Shadow punched him in the guts, making Scourge gasp for air. Sage laughed. "Fucking little psycho." Scourge mumbled when he heard Sage making Manic laugh and start clapping at Sage.

"Thanks, Shadz." I said, but he rolled his eyes and looked away. He finally decided he was hungry and went to the kitchen to heat up the food I had left for him.

"We should get going then. I promised Ma I wouldn't be back late." Manic said as he stood up and then waited for Scourge, not even bothering to check if he was okay. "Come on. You can walk. Let's go."

"Come on babe, you're not -" Scourge was about to kiss Manic but Manic moved back.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Let's go." He walked out with Scourge. I stood up to go lock the door, then walked to Shadow and passed him Sage, knowing well he wanted to hold her.

"Was it true what he said?" Shadow asked as he kissed her forehead. It was strange being the only one to see this side of him, but it just made my crush grow bigger each day. Yet I was still afraid of telling him, not wanting for things to change.

"About you and Sage being part of the family? Yes. I guess I hadn't thought about that." I placed the food on the table for him and served him some water. Just as I put the cup down, I realized how much of what Scourge said was true. Maybe I should stop, I didn't want Shadow to know after all.

Shadow thanked me, looking a bit nervous, then sat with Sage on his lap. I made my way back to the living room to watch some TV as I let Shadow have time with Sage, knowing he wanted that. He spent almost all day at work, but he never failed to show up to see her. He was a good dad, which was strange to even think about.

*Shadow's POV *
I finished eating but I stayed with Sage in the table. I sat her down in front of me and started teaching her how to sign some words. She was smart. She had learned a couple of words already, which was shocking to both Sonic and I.

I couldn't stop thinking of how much she brightened up my day, I would never miss a day with her, I loved her. I love her smile, her giggles, her attitude, and she wasn't afraid of anything. I was so glad Sonic would always call me or record if she was going to do something new. I was always around for her firsts everything.

She was constantly on my mind, and lately, Sonic had been too.

"She always looks so happy when you're around." Sonic said as he yawned.

"Go to bed. I'll go put her in her crib before I leave." I said, and he nodded. I watched as he left, and I couldn't look away for some reason.

I spent another hour with Sage, playing with her, and watching as she tried to speed walk but eventually would fall in the now carpeted floors Sonic had installed just for her. No matter what, my mind would always go back to Sonic.


Sage yawned at some point, my queue to go put her down to sleep and leave. I walked to Sonic's room where the crib was and placed Sage down as she started to slowly close her eyes.

I looked at the bed where I saw Sonic sleeping, and without thinking, I walked to him. I got closer and closer until, eventually, I was leaning over him. I moved lower and pecked his lips.

"Shadow?" I froze as I noticed Sonic was now awake.

What the hell did I just do?

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