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*Sonic's POV*
"Shadow!" I shouted at him as Metal grabbed my quills tighter making me hiss in pain. My heart felt so broken but I realized something.

"Shadow look at me!" I shouted as tears streamed down my muzzle. Shadow finally snapped out of it and looked at me, he tried to take a step closer, probably to save me, but he stopped himself. He was second guessing our relationship just like I thought he was going to. Just like I just had done myself. "She enhances emotions, that doesnt mean everything was fake. Those emotions have to be there for her to make stronger. I love you. It wasnt a lie!"

Please listen.

Please hear me out.

Please dont give up.

Shadow, I need you.

"Everything has been a lie." Eggman shouted from above as he laughed maniacly. "That little girl  WILL be the end of you and your team." He said as he ordered more robots to attack, by now everyone had been captured, Silver and Tails were locked in a giant cage. Knuckles had been knocked out and Rouge and Amy were chained up.

I tried to get up, I tried to run, only to see a robot shoot at Shadows arm, making him let go of Sage. Thankfully she didnt get hurt but she was crying even louder.

"You have to snap out of it!" I shouted back, Metal using his robotic claws to make 3 giants slashes from my shoulder down to my wrist. I watched as Shadow finally shook his head and growled even louder just when the robot who shot him took Sage and started running.

Shadow was about to run to me to help me but I shook my head as I held my arm in pain. "Go save her! Go! I will be fine!" I said as I managed to finally kick Metal away from me. I will not give up.

Shadow listened, he hesistated for a second but he listened and chased after the robot that was taking Sage to Eggman. I watched as they both entered the forest outside of the city limits.

Now it was me and Metal against each other. I fought him countless times before. I could do it again. I was injured, and I knew all the hits I already had were going to make me slower but I had faith and my mind was finally clear. I knew what I had to do. I knew I had to once and for all destroy Metal enough for him to never be rebuilt again. I had to get rid of him so he will never, and I mean NEVER harm anyone else again.

For Sage's future, I had to win this one on my own.

*Shadow's POV*
Save Sage then go back for Sonic. Save Sage then go back for Sonic. Save Sage then go back for Sonic.

I chased after the robot as fast as I could, catching up to it was easy, trying to get Sage back was not. Sage was put inside a glass looking cage and was being held by the bot that was 5 times the size of me.

Eggman had followed me, which only made me worry more about Sonic. I had seen his injuries and if he wasnt taken care of in time, I knew he was going to pass out. He had lost too much blood and was now fighting against a fully healed metalic version of himself. It wasnt a fair fight but nothing Eggman ever did was fair.

I couldnt use my full powers her without harming Sage and they knew that. But they were not aware just how far I would go to get her back safe and sound. I would do anything to keep her safe just as much as Sonic.

I could still not stop thinking of what Sage's powers were. I was still very unsure if what Sonic said was true or not but I knew that right now I needed to save her. She was a kid afterall, and whether my emotions were faked or not, she did not deserve to go with Eggman.

She was still my kid and I promised her she will live a happy life. I will keep my promise. I will keep her safe. I will make sure she grows happy.

I chaos blast some robots that were around me, making sure the impact wouldnt hit the cage Sage was in, I spin dashed the maind robot that was holding her and chaos speared its head until he dropped the cage she was in. I summoned more spears and tossed them at Eggmans directions until he left flying away. Once the bots were down, I looked for the key and unlocked the cage.

"Oh, youre safe. Youre safe now." I whispered to Sage who hugged me tightly, hiding her face on the crook of my neck.

"Shadow." I heard Sonics voice through my communicator. My heart shattering at how weak he sounded. "Did you get her?"

*Sonic's POV*
"Yes." Shadow answered back. "Shes safe." I smiled as I panted heavily, I got in front of the cage both Silver and Tails had been trapped in and moved quickly out of the way when Metal attacked, shattering the lock on the cage.

"I am glad." I started to see blurry. Metal had got me, he had stabbed my leg and my stomach. It had been easy for him since I was slower everytime he hit me. "Shadow, I love you."

"I am on my way. Just a bit longer, love." Shadow said, for the first time I could hear his act being broke in front of the others, calling me by the nickname he called me behind closed doors. Showing his soft side and just how worried he was for me.

"I am sorry." I said back in the communicator. I could feel my body start to give up. Starting to turn off.

I could see the others crying, Amy and Rouge were tugging on the chains trying to break free to help me. I lost balance but before I could fall, Tails was by my side, tears running down his muzzle.

"I got you." Tails said in a whisper as he took out a gun he had been working on, it exploded the bullets once it hit something. He aimed it at Metal but his hands were shaky so I held it and helped him aim.

"Keep it steady." I said as I coughed up blood.

My legs decided to finally give out and I was too heavy for Tails to hold so I fell. But just before I hit the ground, arms were wrapped around me and I smiled at seeing Shadow hold me, and Sage being put beside us as he knelt down, sitting beside me.

"You caught me." I said with a bright smile as I reached for Shadows face. He was crying. "Dont cry." I cleaned his tears. "Please, I love your smile so much." I said, my eyes finally closing. "I love you."

A/N: I can never actually get myself to take a break 🙃
Did anyone else notice this chapter ended the way the first chapter started? No? Okay T-T

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