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*Shadow's POV*
Eggman never showed again, the agents who had traced him and followed him marked him hours away from where we were at. He never once tried to use technology for anything anymore and simply enjoyed his days as a simple civilian for what I was told.

I was also told not to go kill him or I would get punished. I wouldnt, since Eggman was not doing anything now, I was not able to hurt him without risking losing Sage. I had to be nicer now, I had to follow some laws now that I used to not follow, all because one little girl stole my heart.

Sage was growing up fast, she always brought a smile to my face even when I thought it was impossible. Thanks to Eggman being gone and to Sonic and his family, I was able to get away from G.U.N. and only go whenever Rouge needed help on a mission. On paper, Sonic and I were married which made me part of his family as well as Sage.I knew that since Scourge brought it up that one time but I never really thought how much that would affect me. The weekly visits to the castle, the  suits I had to wear, the way I had to speak, the looks I would get, even the title I got from being his 'husband', they were a lot to take in all at once but I was grateful for them.

"Shadow." I looked up to see my former rival standing in front of me. I looked him up and down, from his signature red shoes, to his azure fur and his ocean blue eyes.

"Shes getting older." I said to him in a whisper. "She is going to turn 3 soon." I stood up from the couch, watching as Sage slept on the floor where she had fallen asleep hugging one of Sonics gloves.

"I know. I cant believe how fast shes growing." Sonic said as he knelt down close to her and kissed her forehead then got back up to be at my level.

"I feel like I failed you" I said to Sonic. i couldnt help but think back to that day every single day. "I saved her, I got her back like you asked me to but I left you alone with him, I should have stayed, maybe you wouldnt have been this injured." I said as I looked at the scars on his body. "I failed you, didnt I?"

"You didn't. You didn't fail me, Shadz. Look at her, you got to her, you saved her, you destroyed those who took her and then you came back to me and destroyed Metal. You didnt fail me, you could never fail me. Eggman is gone because of you, he finally got the message and is now scared to come back. Sage is safe now, just like everyone else, youre a hero." Sonic said softly as he put a hand on my shoulder, reassuring me everything will be okay. "No one will try to hurt her again, no one will try to take her again. And look at you now, I am so proud of you, ouve made a lot of progress. Even Rouge has noticed how much you have changed."

I looked at him, tears still streaming down my muzzle, it was hard to look him in the eyes. Even after a whole year passed, it was hard, enarly impossible but I still did. Even in pictures, it was hard to look at him, it always broke my heart at seeing how happy he looked before that day, if I had got there on time, or if I had chosen to stay, he wouldnt be covered in scars.

"Sonic" I whispered.

"Yes, love?" He answered back.

"What color are your eyes?" I said as I looked at him, the light changing the color ever so slightly.

"What color do you see?" He smiled at me.

"Can you hug me?" I asked making him smile at me, that big and bright smile he always gave me. He was beautiful. Sonic got closer to me and extended his arms to hug me. "I need a hug." I whispered as I looked back down at our daughter. "But you're not really here, are you?" I cleaned my tears. "How long has it been?"

"A year and some months." Sonic answered as he took a step back.

"I lost you, didnt I?" I couldnt make myself look up anymore. "You didnt make it, did you?" I finally looked up.

"No." He was gone.


Okay. So I had some ideas for Shadow and Sage after this chapter but I wasn't sure how I would have ended it if I continued it so this is the end of it. Unless I do end up doing that epilogue at some point.

What did you guys think?

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