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*Shadow's POV*
"So is Eggman finally gone?" Rose asked as we sat down. It had been nearly 2 months since the attack and everyone was healed enough to finally meet up, sit down and talk about what happened. It took us a while because everyone was still trying to process everything. No one wanted to see each other until they were sure their emotions were protected.

"Shadow and I went to check, his attacked failed, so I guess he gave up. There is a signal showing hes hours away from here. G.U.N. has agents chasing him and keeping an eye on him but he took nothing from his labs. Metal was absolutely destroyed with no hope of getting fixed so I guess he gave up." Rouge explained.

"So she was the reason why we were all fighting? Are you sure she cant use her powers now?" Rose asked as she looked at Tails and he nodded.

"I made Shadow test it out himself. As long as she wears that bracelet, she will be fine. I was going to make a ring but I felt like the bracelt was better. Ring would have taken longer to build since it was smaller." Miles explained.

"Thats good to hear. At you still planning on keep her?" The echidna asked me.

"We are. Shes family." I said looking down at her. "Sonic was right, nothing was ever fake, she just made our emotions stronger but those emotions had to already be there for her to enhance." I said and she nodded.

"He would love to hear he was right." Silver chuckled.

"I will make sure to tell him that." I chuckled. I was trying to be more open like Sonic said he wanted me to, I was trying to smile more often to and be a better person in general. I had to. For him. For Maria. For Sage.

"Daddy?" Sage whined in my arms, she was starting to get fuzzy, I knew she was hungry.

"I have to get her home now." I stood up, I knew I hadnt been here for long but my top priority was Sage.

"Hey, Hun. I noticed your staying at Sonic's house now, is that a permanent thing?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I need to be closer." I answered and chaos controlled us to our home. I put Sage down and went to eat up some chicken nuggets and fries since it had quickly become her favorite thing to eat.

"Are you hungry?" I turned around to see Sonic standing by the entryway of the kitchen. I couldnt help but smile at him, wanting to get closer but I needed to finish heating up her food before she started throwing a fit.

"Shes going to be as stubborn and spoiled as you." I said as I walked to Sage and gave her her plate while she sat down on the floor. She grabbed a nugget in one hand and a frie on the other as I put her favorite cartoons on the screen.

"Is it so bad?" Sonic asked, I finally was able to focus on just him.

"Your friends were talking about you as soon as we all met up. They missed you. They wanted to see you." I said but looked back down at Sage to make sure she wouldnt make a mess.

"I know. I will see them eventually. Tails called me today. He was checking in on me. He couldnt stop crying, keeps having nightmares." He explained as he now sat beside Sage and pet the top of her head.

"You should visit him." I adviced him but he shook his head.

"I want to be with my family for now."  He smiled up at me, his ears going up as he finally saw I was crying. "Youre still having nightmares too, arent you? Shadow, I am here." He got up and put his hand over mine. His touch felt so light. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"Daddy!" Sage shouted as she threw a nugget across the room. I guess she was full. I chuckled softly and stood up.

"Shadow." Sonic said as he stood up as well while I picked up Sage and cleaned up the mess. I turned to look at him. "Let me help you."

"Okay." I said in a whisper finally giving in. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, my heart breaking instantly, as I couldnt help but break down, holding onto Sage even tighter than ever before.

When he pulled away, I looked into his eyes, were they always this beautiful? His emerald green eyes, reflecting hints of ocean blue hue when hit by the light. I never had paid attention entirely to him, to his fur color, to the positions his quills were on, to how soft his fur was, how cold his hands felt, how beautiful and breathtaking he was. I hated him most of the time we knew each other, I couldnt imagine ever hating him again.

I love him. I love him with all my heart. With all my being. I was in love with him.

Hmmmm. Didn't I say I was going to break your heart?
I wonder what's going to happen now 🤔
New chapter coming soon

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