04. Fake or real (JeffAlan)

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He just needed to get out because if he had to hear his brother and his boyfriend make out then Jeff was going to lose his mind yet he was only staying with them because he was avoiding someone at his house but then he knew he would soon have to face them at the garage so maybe it was time to just get this over with.

The sooner that Jeff got rejected, the sooner they could return to being the garage owner and the main mechanic.

Of all the people in the world to fall for, Jeff just had to start falling for Alan, the one person who treated him like a kid, who seemed to be flirty with everyone else outside of the garage, but it was different when it came to Jeff.

"Jeff, the more you avoid it, the worst it's going to be" a voice pulled Jeff back into the present, he turned to see Way was standing outside and he seemed like he was dressed for a date or confession, "Babe is making out with Charlie, so if you were going to confess I would just turn around" Jeff responded to him.

Way just laughed.

"I am going to confess but not to babe" Way patted his shoulder and started to leave, but Jeff grabbed his arm and looked at him all confused.

"I do not like Babe that way anymore, I am here to ask Mr. Pete out on a date, he just happens to own the bar that Babe likes to come too" Way replied and walked inside but Jeff wanted to see if this was true had followed him back inside.

Pete was having a conversation with Alan because he was the X-hunter's investor, and Babe and Charlie had joined them when Pete saw them. All of them looked at Jeff and Way and Charlie looked at his brother like he was worried but Jeff grabbed Way's hand and nodded "Do it, Pete is not going to say no" he whispered through his eyes.

Way took a deep breath and looked at the gang in front of him.

"Mr. Pete, I know- I wanted to I Can't do this " Way started to run out before Pete who was sitting at the edge of the booth, got up and grabbed his hand "May I ask you something?" He spoke with a soft voice so as not to scare Way.

"Just go out on a date already " Babe yelled and Jeff could not help but chuckle, Way and Pete looked at each other and Pete wrapped his arms around Way's shoulder with a smile before pulling him in for a kiss.

Everyone cheered as they were happy Way was finally moving on with someone good.

Jeff and Alan gave one exchange before Jeff looked away, as he was not ready to admit it just yet even though he watched Way overcome his fear and land a pretty cute boyfriend. "And you too, just kiss already" Charlie spoke which made Alan and Jeff look at them.

"Alan please, we all see the way you guys look at each other" Babe replied before pulling Charlie closer to him. Alan smiled and looked at Jeff like he was trying to get him to come closer, but Jeff just turned on his heels and headed to the bar to order everyone drinks.

"When will you stop giving me the cold shoulder?" Alan asked as he leaned against the counter, he did not know why Jeff was avoiding him, was it because of that one night? is that why he was mad?

{2 weeks ago}

They were celebrating another win over the red racing team but also drinking to Kim a former driver for the red racing team who was now joining and becoming part of this family. North and Sonic were busy trying to get Way to play them in a racing game but Way just wanted to get drunk and forget seeing Babe get back with Charlie for the 10th time, but then Way was taken away by Pete who seemed to know that was the best decision.

Jeff watched as his brother left with Babe and it was just him with Uncle Alan, but also North and Sonic who seemed to be in their own world, Kim had already returned to Alan's house because he was tired and a little drunk.

"Alan, That is enough, you need to go sleep it off" Jeff started to hand his- well Alan's card to the bartender when Alan Grabbed Jeff's face and kissed him before falling asleep on his shoulder.

Jeff who was in shock but hoped Alan would remember and Admit how he felt in the morning, did his best to carry the drunk-tried Uncle to his car but did not leave until he had told North and Sonic that they were going.

"Man you are heavy " Jeff whispered as he finally got Alan over to the couch in his living room, took off his shoes before placing them on the couch and covering him with a blanket. Alan suddenly woke up and kissed Jeff on the lips before smiling and laying back down on the couch, "Stay here tonight'" was all he whispered before falling asleep again, Jeff smiled and hoped this would be the thing to send them in the right direction.

But when the next morning came, Alan was already gone and Jeff looked to his right and saw a note. "Thank you for bringing me home, I am sorry for anything my drunk did last night. It didn't mean anything, I am going to get us some breakfast" Jeff read and felt a tear roll down his face and left before Alan got home.

{Present Time}

Jeff did not even look at Alan and carried the drinks back to the table, He was going to go back to who he used to be when he first met them all but that is when he saw Kim looking at Kentra with the same eyes that he uses to look at Alan with and that is when something hit him and he turned back to Alan.

"I can not stay, I promised my date that I would treat them to dinner" Jeff pretended to smile while nodding in Kim's direction.

Kim started to get up which made everyone look at where he was going, Kim started to get up which made everyone look at where he was going, Alan looked in shock as Kim grabbed Jeff's hand and leaned into him. "You are not going to raincheck right baby?" Kim glanced over at Kentra who suddenly looked away. Everyone was silent and in shock until Charlie stood up and looked at his brother, "You - " he started until he realized what the two of them were doing and he just sat down.

Alan did not want to believe that Jeff was dating Kim but it was not his job who his mechanic dated, "Uh Congrats, does he know about our mistake then?" Alan whispered that the last part for only Jeff to hear.

{1 week later}

Kim and Jeff had been doing this fake relationship to make Alan and Kentra realize they liked them but nothing seemed to be working, yet the day. before Way had got them and knew the truth but he wanted Jeff's advice if how he should act on this feeling that Pete made him feel, So Jeff had been helping him lately and ran into Alan who was doing a meeting with Pete who grabbed Way and dragged him out leaving them alone together.

Kim could sense the tension between the pair and he knew his part and held Jeff'as arm tight before he saw Kentra drown a bottle of Beer and walk towards him, he suddenly let go and looked at Jeff like he did not know what was happening.

"Ken-" Jeff started and could see Kim's nervousness, which did not seem like him, so he was protecting him while Alan was nervous and looking anywhere but at them. Kentra grabbed Kim's hand and dragged him outside of the bar, Kim kept trying to pull away but finally gave in and left Jeff and Alan alone.

"Break up or Go after him" Alan suddenly spoke.

"Who are you to tell me what to do" Jeff smirked.

Finally, it hit Alan that he had to give Jeff a reason to end things with Kim that Babe was right and he had to make a move before he lost Jeff for good Alan put his arm around Jeff's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Your husband" Take me out first" Jeff replied.

"Fine, Tomorrow I am taking you on a date, so end things with Kim" Alan crossed his arms.

"We were never dating" Jeff laughed and ran outside, right past Kim and Kentra making out but he kept running after seeing Alan chasing him. "Get back here" Alan called out, who knew all it took to get Alan to be his boyfriend was fake dating, Jeff stopped and caught Alan in his arms and refused to let go of him.

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