12.Supershy (PetexWay) - part 3

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"Pete woke up "

Charlie looked over at Way who seemed to be excited and couldn't wait to see and hear Pete again, but he quickly took it off speaking when Babe spoke again because something in him told him too .

"Char-" Babe began but there was a worry in his tone , Charlie looked over at Way who was smiling at Pete's picture and he felt his heart drop .

"Babe, what is going on " He whispered as not to get Way's attention , this was the first time in 3 years that Way was happy and he didn't want that to change but he knew one day it would .

"Pete doesn't remember Way , he only knows who Kentra is " Babe replied back . Way dropped the photo frame and it crashed on the ground and broke , Charlie turned and looked to see away was staring at him .

"Way-" he started but it was too late .

Way was running away from the garage and Charlie went after him hit saw that Way was gone , he texted Babe and they both were worried that Tony would find out and that was not good news .

"Charlie , you need to find away before Tony does " Babe stated and said they would keep an eye on Pete's room so Tony could not harm him anymore then he has .

Way didn't stop running until he felt his legs give out , he had waited for Pete to wake up for almost 4 years now . But Why did he have to lose his memory? Why couldn't Way be the only one that Pete remembered?, he felt an arm on his shoulder and tried to toss it off .

"Leave me alone Char" he stated before it all went black .

Charlie along with help from Kim found Way's phone on the ground next to the park bench , "Don't think That, Way could have tried to call someone and dropped it before running again " Kim tried to assure Charlie but they both knew it was more likely Tony planned this .

"Tony has him , Babe we need to save him " Charlie texted and looked around , They hoped that Way was anywhere but with Tony .

{At the hospital }

Babe dropped his phone after hearing the message , he didn't like this plan of Alan's but when he saw that message from Charlie he knew they needed to go into action .

Pete did lose his memory at first , but he saw a photo of Way and he remembered everyone but Alan knew they couldn't tell Way just yet because they needed to catch Tony in the act first .

"Guys " Babe spoke which made Pete and Alan look at him but their expressions changed when they saw Babe's face .

"Way is missing , he ran off when I told Charlie about Pete losing his memory and they found his phone on the ground . " Babe stated and walked over to the bed , Pete's eyes changed when he heard the news .

"What!" Alan yelled .

"We don't know for sure that Tony has taken him , but we can't rule that out " Babe handed Alan his phone and said he was going to help cover while they figure out how to tell the gang about Pete's condition.

{1 year later }

It now had been 4 years since Tony had hurt Pete to weaken Way , and 1 year since he had his men Kidnapped Way once he was away from the garage and locked him in the very room that he once held Kim the betrayer captive .

He waited 3 months before beginning his torture with Way refusing to talk or even look at him, "I'm your father Way , listen to me and you will get a happy ending with Babe" Tony would say each day for 3 months .

"I don't want Babe , I want Pete " Way would yell back at him each time .

He knew Pete has weaken His control over Way's mind and wanted to eliminate that problem, but Pete survived and now was wake at the hospital. Tony didnt have much time until They came to rescue Way .

Since he knew he couldn't get away to die or do what he wanted , he was going to hurt and damage Way so much that Pete and the X-hunter team would turn away from him so Way would have no choice but to go back to him.

Way had given up trying to get out of the cuffs and laid on the floor , he didn't even care that Pete didn't know him anymore or that he was causing pain to his team . He just wanted to go back home and closed off from the world .

Would they even come for him?

"Way- it's time , Tony will be sending in a men to talk to you " Kentra spoke and wished he could set away free , but he had to stick to what Kim told him and wait for the right moment .

Kentra would be that man but he couldn't give it away to Way just yet .

But at the Garage Pete was getting more and more restless the longer it was until they had Way safe , he wondered what Tony was doing to him . "I'll murder him if he lays his hands on my Way" Pete mumbled and Charlie chuckled and smiled hearing that .

"Way will recover with all of our help , but Kentra had to wait to give us the signal just until Tony can believe it and leave him alone " Charlie patted his back .

Suddenly his phone beep .

"It's time " he spoke loudly .

The mission to save Way was underway and Pete was going to hurt anyone who hurt Way , but what mattered was going and rescuing his love from that evil monster .

They took two separate cars , Pete and Charlie rode with Jeff while Babe and Alan went with North and sonic to make the mission successful.

Kim was already at the mansion undercover to get away from Kentra and get him safely outside, but there was already a snag.

Way screamed at anyone who came close or tried to touch him , "you need Pete or Charlie or Alan , it's the only way " Kim whispered and texted Alan the news .

They looked back at Way who now had curled to his knees and was hiding in a corner , "I'll get Tony away from this manison, you guys need to get away out of here now or he won't make it " Kentra said to Alan and Pete who had snuck inside the manison .

Pete looked inside the room and his heart broke at the sight of Way and he slowly started to approach him , Alan and Kim went to make sure the bodyguards were away so Pete could Way out of here .

"Way it's me , It's Pete " he whispered .

Way lifted his head slowly afraid it was another one of Tony's trapped but when he saw it was actually Pete , he wrapped his arms around his waist and held him tight.

"Let's get you home okay? Let me take care of you " Pete whispered and brushed the hair away from Way's face .

It didn't take them long to get away and all of them safe and to Pete's house where he had security , the rest of the gang had fallen asleep expect Way and Pete who slowly made it to the bed .

Pete had tucked Way in and even made sure he had the whole bed to himself , he wanted so bad to lean in and kiss but he knew Way wasn't ready due to what he had experienced .

He started to leave and close the day when Way called out his name , Pete turned and looked back at his love shaking in the bed .

"Please stay , I don't want to wake up and not see you " Way finally spoke .

Pete nodded and slowly got in the bed and smiled as Way leaned into his touch and started to fall asleep , this fight was not over but he made a promise to Way that night .

Tony would never ever again lay a finger on him .

Pete wanted to confess so bad to Way but he decided to wait until Way was ready to move forward, "I'll always be here to keep you safe , to make sure no one hurts you again " he whispered as he felt Way start to relax and not be in pain .

The things you will do for someone you love , your soulmate.

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