11. Dangerously (CharlieBabe) - Part 1

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//TW : Depression, Suicide attempt, death

You took me down, down, down, down

And kissed my lips with goodbye
I see it now, now, now
It was a matter of time
You know I know
There's only one place this could lead
But you are the fire, I'm gasoline"

How did it go downhill so fast?

He was supposed just to be going to this school for his last year then he could go anywhere he wanted, Babe had a plan: just to study and not make any waves and stay hidden until he graduated and it would have worked if he had not met HIM. The moment where it all went wrong, he should have kept his head down and ignored that group but why did they point him out.

" you were my everything, wherever you are now. Please be okay and not in pain anymore Charlie" Babe whispered as he left the cafe and headed outside to a world, a world with Charlie and they lost a soul that was in pain and no one knew yet no one bothered to ask.

Why didn't he see anything?

{2 years ago}

"You are Babe, right? I am North and this is my boyfriend Sonic" A boy waved hi to him and Babe smiled and was glad he had someone that he trusted at this school, he was about to respond when they heard people moving quickly and some girls screamed so Babe turned to see who they were all looking at.

North turned to see who he was looking at and gasped before pulling Babe out of their walking path, "Babe, I will tell you about them but first, stand here and keep your head down okay?" he asked to which Babe nodded because he wanted to see what was so special about them.

" the guy on the right is Kentra, he has been best friends with them since he transferred here two years ago. He is not to be messed with because he knows everything about everyone" North started and Babe just nodded.

"But the guy on the left is Way, he and the leader are best friends who have been friends since they were born, you do not want to get on his bad side because his crush is the son of the principal and the school president" Sonic started but they both looked and saw that Babe was looking at the leader of them all.

"That is Charlie, he is every girl's dream guy and every guy's nightmare because he flirts with anyone but will never date anyone so watch out for him" They both spoke but Babe looked at him with eyes that someone who had a crush would.

over the week Babe learned everything he could about Charlie even where he liked to get his drinks and spend his time out of school, he had his friends which was now growing with Alan and Kim who were part of the music club (the very club that Charlie was involved in).

"You are new right?" Charlie was smirking and leaning against one of the lockers, Way and Kentra were next to him which meant they were surrounding North, Sonic as well as Babe who just rolled his eyes and tried to leave before Way stood in front of him.

"Charlie didn't permit you to leave" He clicked his tongue which forced Babe to stand next to them, but Charlie suddenly nodded for Way to let them go he grabbed Babe's hand and whispered something in his ear before the 3 of them walked away.

~6 months later ~

Babe and Charlie had been with each other for a few weeks but the two of them were in love and Babe was planning a surprise for his boyfriend, but he noticed that lately Charlie had been distant even from his friends and he wanted to ask but his texts were not even going through. He would bring it up at the next lunch date, Babe wrapped the gift box and set out to meet Charlie and Way at the front of the school gate.

every corner held a sign but Babe swore the next time that he saw Charlie he would ask him, but when he saw Way running towards him he was crying which was not his usual crying because Pete, the student president would avoid him again.

that next sentence changed everything.

"Babe! Charlie committed, Come to the hospital now" Way cried and climbed into the car, they drove as fast as they could to the hospital but when they saw Charlie's brother Jeff was on the floor crying they knew it was not good news.

{Present time}

"Hey Charlie, I got an update for you, " Babe said as he sat down near the Bed, it took a while to get the hospital to keep him on life support even though there was a 99% chance that Charlie would never again open his eyes.

"Way got married to Pete yesterday, Can you believe he finally landed that crush of his? I am happy for him. Also, Kim and Kentra are a thing now, but your brother He is doing okay, we all but I miss you " Babe whispered even though Charlie would never again hear his voice.

"Hey Babe, I miss you too " Charlie suddenly spoke which made him look up to see him standing there, and even though this was a dream Babe ran and hugged him so tight because he was afraid that he would wake up.

"Why did you do it? Were you unhappy? was it me" Babe asked while sobbing, Charlie took his hand and wiped his tears. "It had nothing to do with you or my friends, Babe I want you to promise me one thing " Charlie whispered and hugged Babe one last time.

"Be happy for me, Move on and look out for my brother and be there for my friends okay? but mostly important be okay " Charlie whispered as he disappeared from Babe's sight and with that Babe woke up and looked down at the bed.

"Only if in the next life, you stay by my side" Babe whispered.

"Goodbye Charlie, Maybe You can come back to me someday" Babe thanked the nurse and shut the door to the room, he headed back to the house and promised never to forget the small cute little teddy boy that changed his life.

"I hope wherever you are Charlie, that you are happy and without any pain, but Please don't leave me just yet" Babe looked though the window one last time before leaving the hospital doors one more time.

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