19. Behind the Lens (CharlieBabe)

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" I miss you , I'm Sorry"

Babe sat down in front of the camera as the interview was about to start for this new show he was doing, he looked to his left and felt his heart break more as he saw the person walking in. "Charlie" he whispered as the person sat down next to him but it felt so awakard between them, they had not spoken to each other in awhile, Babe missed his friend and hated that fans were part of the reason for their spilit.

If he could have one wish Babe would make sure to keep distance on camera, if only to keep Charlie in his life but he was not going to let this second chance go to waste. He loved him.

{3 years ago}

"Is that what you are wearing"


"Babe, that was your line next" The director scoffed and yelled cut as he walked off the water place, Babe nodded his head like he was sorry for messing up and walked over to his seat to review his notes when he saw Charlie was sitting in the seat with smile on his face.

"Babe, did you not spend 4 hours last night to go over that specific scene, you okay?" Charlie stood up as Babe sat down on the chair with a sigh following not long after. He just shook his head and Charlie nodded and pulled out his phone, Babe looked at him like he was lost as his friend and co-lead took a picture of them for Instagram before turning off the phone.

"Look , It will be okay? This film will be successful okay?" Charlie rubbed his shoulders, the two of them had known each other since high school and everyone knew about their friendship but Babe had liked Charlie since them but was too afraid to say anything to risk loosing whatever he had with him.

"Don't forget the interview to promote the movie on the weekend okay?" Charlie waved at him with a smile on his face.

He would never forget the last time they were this close until the one interview forever changed their relationship, "I'll be there" He smiled as Charlie went to talk to the director for the next scene, He looked at the photo that Charlie had posted and smiled at seeing some of the replies but then there were the fans who shipped them together and Babe shoook his head.

He suddenly stood up and start going over the next scene by himself when suddenly Charlie had wrapped his arms around him, "You will do great, I believe in you" Charlie kissed his cheek before running off in a different direction.

Babe wish he would have told Charlie then, maybe then they could avoided the aftermath of the interview.

{Present Time}

"Hi Charlie, long time since you guys been in the same room right" The Interview named Bame smiled at the both of them, Babe looked at Charlie who just shrugged before turning to look at him but Babe did not like this look from him. " So, I've been told" was his reply and Babe looked away but Charlie kept looking at him like he was unsure on who this person was next to him, but the interview went without any problems and he hurried out only to be stopped by Charlie.

"What did she mean by that? " Charlie asked.

Babe felt a tear drop down his cheek and tried his best to run away until Charlie grabbed his hand, "Please don't leave me again Babe" Charlie whispered so low that Babe hardly heard it but it was loud enough for him to turn and look at the person in front of him.

"You remember me?" He asked through choking in his tears, Charlie wiped the tears from his cheek and led him to a private room and sat down.

"I missed you so much Babe, I did not have one day without thinking of you " Charlie turned around and hugged him, but Babe pushed him away and his face went from a sad smile to a angry look.

"Then why did you not contact me these past 3 years" Babe scoffed and folded his arms, he saw Charlie sit down and look at his hands like he was about to tell him something sad so Babe sat down across from him.

"Alan suggested it because he wanted what the fans were doing to settle down, it was during those years I realized I love you so I had him call the director to get me into this show so I could confess to you" Charlie said as he kept looking down at the ground, Babe moved closer to him and as much as he was mad that he vanished from his life for all this time.

Sometimes fans could not differ reality from the films or shows done, just because two people had chemisty does not mean you should ship them together.

but it did not matter anymore because Charlie was back , Babe was never going to let him go again.

{3 months later}

The TV show had been done and it was time to move on to other projects, but both of them were taking a little break and traveling the world together. Babe looked to his right as they were driving down the highway, Charlie had one hand waving out the window while his other one was holding Babe's hand before pulling away so Babe could have two hands on a wheel.

"Do you think anyone will know?" Babe suddenly asked which made Charlie turn and look at him with a smile.

Charlie looked at him like he was in awe and knew their fans would be supportive of them, but right now he just wanted to focus on the present and with someone he loved.

"Focus on the road Babe" Charlie kissed his cheek which made him pull into a hotel parking lot , it was dark so no one would see them and Babe climbed over to where Charlie was and it was then something was born.

"I love you Charlie"

on screen they were enemies to friends but behind the lens, Babe and Charlie were embarking on this romantic journey together.

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