24. It's you (Northsonic)

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"falling fast , deeply in love , finding the magic of colors in you "

If there was one thing Sonic hated , it was one sided love or crushing on someone that you could not have. He had been crushing on his best friend North since a few years ago , about a year after they started working together at the garage .

He was fine with just being close until Charlie become part of their team , and became Babes boy and then Way told everyone he was seeing someone but didn't drop names .

Yet Sonic knew it was their investor Pete , but he promised Way he wouldn't say anything till he was ready for the rest of the team to know .

He hated seeing how North tended to him and said he was his brother , Sonic wanted to be something more but he was afraid to lose what they had if he ever confess what he was feeling .

"Looking for ways to let you know just how I feel "

Sonic watched was North came back from a meeting with Alan and laid down next to him on the couch , "I'm so tired Sonic , can you please make me your special drink " he whispered and Sonic felt his heart skip a beat but nodded and headed off to the kitchen .

Way who had gotten back a few minutes earlier had seen the whole conversation, "Sonic , tell him from what I see he likes you too " he spoke and helped Sonic with the making of the drink .

"Just because Pete telling you how he feels worked out for you , doesn't mean North will like me too " Sonic glared at him .

"I-Pete told me several times but I didn't believe him , he literally had to kiss me for me to understand " Way whispered back , as North called for a update from Sonic and Way walked away after saying to come get him if he wanted his and Charlie's help .

Did he want help? Were they right ?.

"Did you fall?" North popped his head into the garages kitchen .

"N-no Way just was asking a question, I'm okay " Sonic smiled at him and leaned against the counter as the drink was being finished , he knew he could not hide these feelings much longer .

"Okay , thank you I owe you " North headed back to the couch , Once he finished texting Way and Charlie that he wanted to do their plan was when he headed back to where North was with the drink .

"Operation Get North to fall for Sonic plan " was now in motion .

{a few days later }

Charlie had this idea that North needed to see him less to realize how Sonic meant to him , while Way was to keep North from calling Sonic during those few days which meant he couldn't be with Pete all the time which was torture for him but he was helping a friend .

"Charlie , can't I-"

"No trust me , this will work and you will never have to leave him again " Charlie patted his back , this was the plan that worked to get Babe to agree to be his boyfriend and he had faith .

Meanwhile , North had spent the last few days looking around the garage and was now sitting back at the groups main table .

"Way? Have you seen Sonic? What if Tony has him?" He spoke up as soon as he saw Way walk in, he was anxiously waiting and looking around for his friend .

"He's fine , he's been hanging out with Charlie lately , why?" Way raised an eyebrow and looked at North who seemed to have relaxed.

"Hanging with Charlie? "

"Does it brother you?" Way asked .

"Yes because he always just hanged out with me " North sighed and looked anyway but at Way who was smiling , which bother North so Way stopped but took a look at him once more.

"Why does it bother you?"

"Because I don't like him being that close with anyone but me " North sighed .

North looked to see Way was texting someone and he frowned , "fine fine i like him, why are you texting him?" He spoke a little loud which made Way drop his phone a little bit .

"I wasn't texting Sonic , I was texting someone else but now that you know why don't you go find him and tell him?" Way had placed away his phone .

"You like me?" Sonic's sudden voice made them both turn around , North froze in shock as he saw his friend standing before him .


"I like you too , I was scared to tell you " Sonic walked and nodded at Way who finally could leave , and Charlie who knew it was time for them to be left alone and followed Way out of the garage .

North kept looking at the ground not because he wasn't happy to see Sonic liked him , but because he was scared of the bad what's ifs if they took this relationship to the next level but felt Sonic sit down next to him .

"North , do you know how long I waited to hear those words?" Sonic whispered .

"Long?" He asked .

Sonic laid North's head on his shoulder and grabbed his head on his shoulder , "just be with me , don't worry about the future okay?" He whispered and saw North crying but held onto him tighter.

"Just never ingore me again " North whispered .

"As long as you hold onto my hand , I'll never ever do that again " Sonic kissed him on the forehead , and felt North start to relax and get closer to him .

"Sonic ? Can we cuddle?" North looked up at him and was smiling at him , Sonic nodded and held his hand as he was happy of where they stood now .

"Come here " Sonic laid down on the couch and opened his arms , North didn't take one second before laying down on his chest and wrapped his arm around his waist . being apart from him was the one thing that he hated but North was his boyfriend now, and Sonic would never again let go of his hand.

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