25. Ps. I still love you (Peteway)

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"Why am I still thinking of you , even when we are thousand miles away from each other "


Pete was treated like he was royalty growing up from classmates even strangers passing him by on the street , he had a adoptive brother who went to the same school as him and watched as Pete had girls and guys come and give him gifts but only because of who his father was .

The same father who would lock him in a room when he disobeyed and brought him same and disappoint, which is why Pete shut himself away from the world and just smiled when they handed him things but the smile would fade as long he was left alone .

"Pete! I made this for you in class" a girl called Cherry ran up , Pete sighed and turned around to see a girl he never seen before was there with a boy who stayed quiet and hid behind her .

"I don't accept gifts after class " Pete spoke coldly and turned to leave , he heard the girl leave but felt an arm tug on his hand and he turned around .

"P-lease accept this " the boy handed him a small box and ran off before Pete could object , he sighed and lifted the lid and looked to see small little paper stars in the bottom with a note on the top .

"Don't let the world burn your star- Way"

"So that's your name " Pete whispered but quickly placed the box in his locker , he then quickly made his way towards class and saw that boy was sitting a few seats away from where he had planned to sit .

"Kentra , sit next to Dean , please " Pete whispered but Kentra nodded and Pete sat down next to the boy , who then looked up at before looking away .

"Way? Looks like we are seat partners now " Pete smiled but then quickly dropped the smile , he refused to smile again but something about Way was making him want to be around him more .

That was a few days as today was now Valentine's Day but Pete was not at school , he was running a little late when his father suddenly stopped and stood in front of him and the door . "I need to get to school , I'm done doing what you want " Pete didn't even care what His fathers face showed by tried hard to get past when his father dragged him upstairs to his room and shut the door .

Meanwhile at school Way kept looking up from his desk to see if someone would come in, he had not seen Pete all day and wanted to ask if he was okay but he was fraud to approach Kentra or Sonic who were Pete's friends.

"Your guys dad- is a piece of work , you think he will come to the school dance this year ?" Sonic accidently said a little too loud .

"Where is he?" Way suddenly asked , and they both looked at him like they didn't know who he was but Kentra sighed and had this sad look on his face .

"He's probably locked up at home , knowing our dad and Pete is probably suffering cuz our dad can't take the fact none of his kids want to be mini him " Kenta knew who Way was because he saw the interaction from them a few days earlier, and was happy to see there was finally someone who was making his brother smile again.

That is when he slipped the address into a book and handed it to Way, before he turned to face Sonic who was now flirting with North who was not quite understanding it but Kentra thought it was cute .

It did not take much to sneak out of class because Way was always quiet and headed to the address that Kentra had left him, his face dropped when he saw where Pete lived and did not think twice before knocking on the door.

"Can I help you?" A man stood there which he believed to be their father, " I am here for Pete, I need his help with a project unless you want him to fail" Way scoffed and folded his arms and Tony sighed but walked away leaving the door open.

Way was lost once again but lucky one of the people who worked here suddenly led him up to a room on the second floor, and unlocked it before leaving Way to enter the room and that is where he saw Pete.

He know that Pete and Him did not have much time together but Way was not going to let his father do that to his own son anymore, so He conviced Alan to let Pete and Kentra stay with them until they got their own place.

"Way, who is Pete to you?" was the question that Alan had asked him, Way wanted to get to know him more. Way watched as Pete started to smile the more he hanged out with their friend group and even started a friendship with his best friend, "Maybe one day you will like me too " Way whispered before he went and joined them even grabbed Pete's hand and started to pull away when Pete held it tighter.

{1 year later}

Pete and Way had gotten close to the point of dating in that year with Pete's father Tony being arrested and Pete finally could rest without ever being locked in a room again , Way leaned against the bedroom door and smiled seeing him sleep peacefully but they did have to go to school in a few days .

"Do I look good asleep?" Pete suddenly asked .

"I-uh" Way stumbled with his words , but found himself sitting down in the bed and was laying next to Pete who was now looking up at him . "Way, what's wrong?" Pete suddenly asked when he saw Way had gone quiet , he wrapped his arms around Ways shoulder and laid his head on his shoulder .

"What if your dad comes back and tries to hurt you?" Way suddenly asked .

"He won't and even if he did - he would not be successful okay? Just stay by my side " Pete kissed head and smiled , Way looked up with a shy smile and leaned up to kiss Pete on the cheek .

"If he did , I'll kill him "


"I will not let anyone hurt my Pete " Way pouted but giggled when Pete suddenly flipped him over and got up and walked to the door .

"Making sure no one disturbs us "

"Get over here " Way called out and Pete didn't hesitate and climbed in the bed , he met the person who brought smiles back into this life but more importantly someone he could always trust and never would hurt him in the end .

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