15. The Real (Kimkenta)

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Growing up he never had anything to be about him, Kenta did not even know what day his birthday was . Tony only ever threw birthday parties for Babe or Way, never did Kenta ever get one day where it was about him.

He use to not care that he did not know when his birthday was, but then he got into a relationship with Kim a former racer for the red racing team before joining the x-hunter team. It took a lot of time to earn the teams trust that he would not hurt Kim or betray any of them again, now Kenta wanted a day for his birthday just so he could celebrate with his boyfriend and friends but mostly just Kim.

He heard moving and looked to see that Kim had rolled over and placed his arm around Kenta's waist and and placed his head on Kenta's shoulder, Kim had stayed over last night since they did not need to be at the track for 2 days. He rubbed his back and still could not believe that he actually had someone who loved him back , Kim was the best thing to happen to him and if Tony was really not dead then Kenta would do whatever it takes to protect this little red haired angel laying next to him.

"I will never let him lay a finger on you, I have something to protect" Kenta whispered and carefully go up with waking up him, he placed a note on the pillow so Kim would know where he went.

Kenta headed up to his kitchen and texted Alan that he needed to ask him something, he wanted Kim to live with him but first he needed to figure out if the date that Tony had told him was the actual truth .

{At the garage}

Alan nodded as Kenta told him what he wanted to find out and he agreed, he still did not trust Kenta but because Kim cared about him Alan was giving him a chance. "Ask Jeff, he will be able to figure it out, but you could pick a date to just claim for you and this family " Alan patted his back and left Kenta in the garage to go deal with a argument between Babe and Way again.

Way and Charlie had been hanging out lately whenever their boyfriends annoyed them, which was weekly since they had become pregnant so Alan had alot of on his hands which is why he was leaving this task to his boyfriend and Kentra.

his phone started to ring as he waved over at Jeff who nodded for him to come and sit, Kenta pulled it out to see Kim was calling him and he quickly answered as he did not want his boyfriend to be mad that he had left early in the morning.

"Ken, why did you leave me? I wanted cuddles" Kim softly whispered.

Gosh, Kenta loved the way that Kim sounded in the morning, it was so beautiful and he could not wait to see it every morning for the rest of his life. "I will be back soon " He replied and heard Kim sigh and could tell that he was using his cute puppy eyes to try and get Kenta to come back sooner then planned.

{later that week }

Kenta finally had found out the truth , his birthday was whenever Tony adopted him but he didn't want to be remembered of that day so he was going to pick the day he fell in love with Kim for the first time.

He was so excited to tell him .

Kim got bored at Kenta's place so he headed to the garage only to see away demanding things of Pete , who was just there to have a talk with Alan but he walked over to see away was now avoiding Pete who was trying to make up for whatever he did wrong .

"Is Kenta here ?" He asked which made Way stop moving but Pete managed to wrap him into a hug , both of them shook their heads and he chuckled see Way finally happy and moving on after everything.

"Kim?" A voice suddenly made him turn around .

Kenta walked in and nodded at Pete who grabbed his boyfriends hand and walked away with Way still trying to fight but eventually giving in , Kim suddenly smiled so bugged and held out his arms as Kenta walked up to him .

"I missed you " he mumbled .

"Kim, can we do my birthday tomorrow?" Kenta asked , Kim tilted his head as he couldn't believe he didn't know his boyfriend's birthday was so close .

"Let's start today and celebrate though out tomorrow " Kim kissed his boyfriend on the cheek , Kenta felt a tear rush down his face but nodded .

"Kim?" He whispered yet Kim still heard him .

"Yes? I'm here " was Kim's reply .

"I don't deserve you " Kenta mumbled .

Kim pulled away and glared at his boyfriend , Kenta was in shock with the sudden change but looked at Kim .

"Do not ever say that , you deserve so much and I will give it to you " Kim placed his arms around Kenta and kissed him deeply .

Luckily no one else was in the room , Kim grabbed his boyfriend's hand and dragged him out to the car . Kenta was about to protest when Kim glared at him and he got in the shot gun , "I'm starting the celebration now " Kim said as he climbed in the drivers seat .

"I love you " Kenta turned and looked at his boyfriend , Kim kissed his cheek before turning back to driving .

This was going to be the best birthday Kenta ever had , Kim would not stop until his boyfriend started feeling happy and believed he deserved everything including Kim.

"Sleep , my love " Kim rushed his free hand though his hair , Kim made sure that Kenta would never cry especially on the birthday.

He was taking him to a spot he discovered his first week of being in Thailand , he never showed it to anyone else so this would be their special place .

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