06. Supershy (Petexway) - part 2

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It was never meant to end like this. Babe knew that Pete had feelings for his best friend since the first day that Alan had introduced him to the team, so he texted Pete to come and take care of his best friend. He expected to see Way all happy and in love when he saw him next, he didn't expect to see Pete being carried out, unresponsive, and his best friend's hands covered in blood sobbing and saying the same thing over and over.

"Please Wake up, Pete"

he watched as Charlie helped clean Way's hands and reassured him that everything was going to be okay, Babe had texted Alan and the team what had happened and vowed to make whoever did this feel pain and suffer but right now what mattered was getting to the hospital and making sure Pete would make the surgery.

The doctor had assured them that the surgery was good and that all that needed to happen, was for Pete to wake up and they could see what the risks were.

but that was 3 years ago.

They had not heard Way speak one word in 3 years. He did not even race anymore and would stay mostly in Alan's office, everyone tried to get him to come and hang with them but Way would just put on his headphones and write in a journal. "Alan, we need him back in the race" North whispered and Babe nodded when they looked to see Way was dressed in some old clothes of Pete's and was lying on the couch while holding a picture of Pete and Alan just sighed and closed the office door.

"I know, but until Pete wakes up, We are not getting that Way back " Alan sighed and felt his heartbreak, this was his family and he hated how he couldn't do anything to help Way but he believed that Pete would wake up soon but he was starting to lose any hope of it.

Way knew that they had all left the office and how the only time he ever left the garage, was when he would go back to Pete's house to get cleaned up and changed then he would head back to work in the garage with Jeff or be in Alan's office.

He had not stepped foot in a car since the accident or been to the hospital well since the surgery had happened, after all, it was his fault that this happened to Pete and that is the reason why he never said a word or even done anything related to racing. He looked out the window and saw Charlie trying to kiss Babe while Babe was running away, then he looked to the left to see North trying to get Sonic to eat something.

Kim was nowhere to be found but that was because he was still in Korea until this weekend, but the second he saw Alan kissing Jeff was when Way felt a tear rush down his face. Was this the karma that he deserved? To see everyone happy but him, is this why Pete still had not woken up, and even if he did why would he give Way a chance?

Charlie watched Babe run around a corner and was about to chase him again when he saw Way run out of the garage and go after him, "Way, where-" he stopped to see Way had turned around but was crying and his hands shook. Charlie grabbed him and pulled him into the back of the garage where Alan kept some couches, he handed Way some tissues and used what Jeff used to do for him to calm down.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Way spoke for the first time in 3 years and started crying even more Charlie hated seeing his boyfriend's best friend like this and grabbed the tissue and wiped his tears.

"Way-" Pete got hurt because of me, maybe I don't deserve him " Way whispered.

Charlie didn't know how bad It was or how much Way was blaming himself, he wanted them to be friends for the sake of Babe but this was not how he wanted it to start .

"That's not true. Pete loves you and if anything I bet Tony is at fault for this " a voice suddenly made them turn around.

Babe and Alan were standing a few feet away from them and their faces were a mix of upset with shock that Way finally spoke after 3 years, Way started to walk away when Babe stood in his way and walked towards him.

"Way, You deserve happiness and if Pete believed that you were capable of harming him then he would have stayed away from you, so stop this and focus on how you will ask Pete out once he wakes up" Babe hugged his best friend before letting him go.

"He is right okay? " Alan patted his shoulder and looked at Charlie .

"Way or anyone want to come with me to see if there is any change with Pete?" Alan asked.

Way shook his head and started to head back inside the garage, "I'll stay here with him, Babe you and Alan go and call me with any news" Charlie kissed Babe's cheek and followed Way inside the garage.

Way watched from the window as Babe and Alan left for the hospital and saw Charlie come into the office too, he grabbed the picture he had of Pete which was taken a month before the accident. "I miss you" he whispered but looked at Charlie like he was scared, scared of losing the one person who loved him like he was their soulmate, their happy ending.

waiting was hard but Way hoped that he would soon hear his future love's voice once again, both of them jumped when Charlie's phone rang.

"Charlie -"

"What is it" He asked with an anxious tone in his voice, but then he froze in his tracks with a reply from Babe.

"Pete woke up"

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