23. Save me (Peteway) - part 2

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{the day of the meeting of Charlie and Babe}

Way didn't mind coming in second because it meant that the X-hunter team had claimed the two top spots for the 6th race in a row , he looked out his window to see Babe cheering with Alan and he climbed out and smiled at his best friend .

"Wayyy!! Let's party at the bar tonight ! " Babe called out and high faves him before walking off to the locker to get changed , He chuckled because this way what Babe did after every race but he felt his phone buzz .

"I'll be free tonight in a hour " the text read .

"I can't make it , I have somewhere to be " Way called out and walked off , Alan was ready to tell Way he had to come to this one at least because he sometimes would come and sometimes would not and Alan was worried on where Way was going .

Especially since Tony was sending his men aka Kentra to the track to get Babe , and he was worried for all of his team .

North and Sonic patted his back like they knew They would see Way later , but it was just a way to get Alan to relax .

"Next time " Way whispered as he quickly got changed in the locker , he looked to see Babe talking with some kid and part of him wanted to go over but he needed to go to the building and surprise
him at the office .

So he hurried there and somehow managed to sneak right past most of the employees and knocked on the door , he waited a second then a few more before opening the door and slamming it .

"Way , I could been in a meeting "

"You weren't " he smirked and walked over and climbed on his lap .


"Shh Pete , I've been waiting for days, I need your touch " Way mumbled and started kissing Pete on his neck , this was the first day they met since Pete was on a business trip .

"Way- how much longer shall we keep this a secret ?" Pete asked as he stopped Way for a second and pulled him off and dragged him over to the couch .

"Wait - let me lock the door " Pete walked over to the door and locked it , he then told his sectarity that he was in a meeting and not to disturb him .

He then climbed back on the couch and both of them removed the shirts , "I'm not ready - what if no one accepts it ? What if Alan hates it and doesn't want me to see you ? What if Babe prevents it ? Please Pete " Way cried as he started speaking and sat up and placed his head in his hands .

"Shh don't cry , I'll wait as long as you need okay?" Pete pulled Way into his arms , while this relationship started by accident he was in love with him and would do whatever to keep Way around him .

"Now I have an actual meeting , but come over tomorrow?" Pete bite Ways neck and placed his shirts back on , Way nodded and walked back and kissed him before walking down to the bar .

Way got to the bar way before the team did and started drinking cuz he was sad , he wanted more time with Pete but he had meetings and he knew Alan was mad that he was not coming to the celebration again .

This is what Way did for the last 2 years , he was not ashamed of his relationship with Pete but he was worried on how Babe and Alan would react to it so he was keeping it a secret.

{a few moments later }

"Why are you so loud, I have a headache for crying out loud " Way spoke which made his team jump because they didn't expect him to be there , honestly he still didn't believe where he was either .

"Way, Babe got a new boy " A voice said but Way was having trouble staying awake to notice who said it , "hmm that was fast " he started but then fell to the ground which he liked to see the boy who he found out was called Charlie started to walk to him.

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