14. Dangerously (CharliexBabe) - Part 2

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(This I wasn't planning on doing but it will be from Charlie's pov so you can see more of where he was but there will be topics of bullying and suicide so please be worn and careful when you read this chapter but also if you experience bullying or someone being bullied , please please help them. Bullying is not acceptable. Please spread love and kindness . Enjoy this part - Tay )

{5 years ago }

Charlie hated school once he reached high school , the only good thing about going was seeing his best friends Way and Kentra and having lunch with his brother . Everyone called him perfect and said he was cute like a little teddy bear , some asked him out and some just gave him gifts .

He hated it .

Being called perfect meant you had to be that version 24/7 , the only time he could truly be himself was with his friends.

But then Kentra got into a relationship still made time for their friendship , but Charlie didn't mind that until Way said he had a crush on the school president Pete but was not going to date him until Charlie had someone .

"Way you can ask him out " Charlie would say.

"Not till you find someone , I'm not letting you be alone " would be the reply .

He knew that some people were accepting and supportive of the LGBTQ+ community seeing how they accepted Kentra and Way, but it was different for him after all he was the leader and the popular boy .

Everyone shipped him with this girl "Cherry " who was the popular girl who even Charlie knew had a crush on him but he was Gay and never made an effort to date a girl or even come out his whole high school life .

That was until he met the new student " Babe" something about him , made Charlie want to spend more time with him .

{2 weeks later }

"Charlie? " a voice pulled Charlie into the present and there stood Cherry , he looked around to see away and Kentra were trying to make their way over to stop her but people were making sure they stayed away .

"Guys" he whispered but stepped back as Cherry was walking closer to him , He looked to his left to see Babe standing in the front of the crowd .

"Let's go out together " Cherry said happily as she now had made Charlie stand against the wall with no way out , he felt his heart start to race and how he just wanted to get away from here .

"No" was all he could manage to say .

Way and Kentra grabbed Babe and went up to Charlie , Way nodded at Babe who grabbed Charlie and ran in a different direction while Way walked up to Cherry and glared at her .

"You and Charlie are never going to happen so stop leaving gifts , stop spreading rumors and leave him alone " he said as him and Kentra walked away .

"Cute , you think I'll actually stop. I'll go after him until he's mine " Cherry replied and walked away with her followers .

But it did not end there.

The more that Charlie spent with Babe or his friends and kept saying no to her, Cherry started to get upset and mad so she got under one of her fake accounts and started spreading a rumor about Babe but accidently made it about Charlie.

she quickly deleted but news spread fast in school.

soon Charlie did become talk of school again but it was not postive this time.

no one wanted to be seeing in the same hallways or they would whisper as Charlie walked down it, Way had asked for Pete's help to punish Cherry because he believed she was behind these rumors. Kentra and Kim spent time to make sure she wasn't posting anything bad online, yet all this help from his friends, Charlie didn't want to get out of his bed or eat yet Babe who had been staying over was trying his best to help his crush.

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