08. Blind date (Northsonic)

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It was time for the biggest event of the year and North was only there to help film the event because that was his job, at first he did not mind being there because he was supporting his friend Way and his team the X-hunter Entertainment Company. But this event was different than their usual events, Way was one of their most popular singers while Babe was the company's most famous dancer but this event was not about their careers.

It was a secret proposal.

North thought for a second it would be Charlie and Babe's but they got married last year, he looked over at Alan who seemed to be holding Jeff's hand while talking with Pete about the company's plan for the following year. That left only one couple, and it excited him because Way deserved this happy ending after everything he had been to, "North, Need any help?" Kim tapped his shoulder and he turned back into the present time.

"Uh no, but Ask Alan how long we need to keep Way occupied " he spoke softly, before pulling out his camera to get different scenes for the video. Kim nodded and left to do as he was asked but he looked over his shoulder to see Way was trying to get Charlie to distract Alan so Way could make out with his boyfriend Pete and he chuckled.

When was it going to be his turn to find someone?

North did not even hide his disappointment that he was the only one from the company who was alone, maybe Love was not in the cards for him but right now his love love was not the focus. "Way, I was not your first choice" Pete had started by taking his boyfriend to the front stage, North knew he could re-watch this later but his goal was to capture this for the future wedding.

{4 months later}

"another one? North are you okay?" Way asked as he sat down at the hotel bar, he expected to see North dancing with anyone on the guest list but here his friend was at his wedding. North nodded and held out his glass for another one, "I just wish I had a partner, I am happy for you Way, I just feel lonely and he is not out there" North whispered.

"Well, Pete has a friend from high school who is single, Why don't I set up a blind date for you?" Way asked, he looked up to see Pete was waving him over and he looked over at North who just nodded and excused himself away with the excuse that he needed to go home. Way waited until he saw North leave with Kim before he knew his friend was safe before heading back to his husband, he would set up the blind date next week and would find someway for North to finally be happy.

~Later that week~

Sonic had been looking for a job for almost a year now but no one wanted to hire someone who didn't really have anyone to back him up, that is why he was here at this coffee shop with his laptop hoping that he could land a job soon or his landlord would kick him out.

He heard a ring and suddenly looked up from his laptop to see a very cute and good looking man walk and sit at the table in front of him , Sonic waited a few minutes to see if anyone was coming to take his order or he could ask if he knew where sonic could find a job .

But something in him told him that the man was here for a blind date , Sonic returned back to his laptop and just focused on job hiring until he looked at the time and saw 2 hours has passed .

He got stood up .

Normally Sonic would not get involved in other peoples business, but something him in approached the man and sat down across from him .

"Hi, I think your my blind date but I never got your name ?" Sonic held out his hand , and smiled when the man shook it .

"North and you?" He was asked .

"Sonic , how about we get out of here !" He asked , he didn't even care his happiness was showing as North nodded back at him . He grabbed his bad and held out his hand to North , who hesitated at first but grabbed Sonic's hand .

He never wanted North to find out that the real blind date , could not be bothered to show up and just trust on him.

Did he like North? Yes but Sonic was afraid of what North would do if he ever found out the truth .

"Sonic? Why were you late?" North suddenly asked which made Sonic suddenly stop walking . "That's not important, I'm sorry I made you w-" he couldn't keep it up even though he had just began .

"I wasn't your blind date North , I started to like you when I saw you walk in but when I saw that you been stood up I just wanted you to be happy and not feel like something was wrong with you " Sonic let go of his hand and started to walk in the opposite direction , till North reached out and grabbed his hand back .

"So? I like this set up better , can you still take me there ?" North asked and held on tighter to Sonic's arm .

Sonic nodded and led them both though the door form the cafe to his favorite restaurant, this was his chance to be close to North even though he just met him .

"I don't have much money so I won't get anything, but you can get a meal " Sonic suddenly said .

North was in shock and he was starting to be curious about this Sonic guy , and he was falling for him but he was not going to let him go hungry on their date .

"Nonsense , I'll pay , you just treat me to dessert" North grabbed his hand and placed it down next to him , while their relationship started off different then he expected .

North was glad that the guy stood him up and that Sonic happened to be in that coffee shop , "I'll talk to Alan , maybe you can join the company as a intern " he whispered and Sonic smiled at him as he called the waiter over .


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