09. Love Shot (Winnerxdean) - Part 2

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Winner don't stop walking until he reached back to his apartment and slammed the door hard , he just fell down the floor and wiped the tears falling down his face .

"Asshole! " he yelled though his tears , he didn't have any friends on the red racing team and his family had all abandoned him everyone expect Tony .

Why did he think Dean was any different than all of them .

He was never going to let Dean hurt him again , if he to put up a wall and and never let anyone in again then Winner would do what he needed to protect himself .

But tonight would be the last night he cried over anyone , so Winner laid down on the floor and cried himself to sleep .

"Winner!" A voice yelled from outside the door the following morning , he wiped his eyes and looked to see that it was morning . He opened it to see a racer from the team was standing there with his arms crossed , "your late , hurry up idiot " and with that he left a heartbroken winner to close the door .

{later at the track }

It was the first practice race between the red racing team and the X-hunter team and Winner was going to prove that he was better than D- Babe and any racer on that team , but the worse part was the traitor Kim might be racing and he was going to beat him.

"Winner? Can we talk?" A voice made Winner look up from where he was leaning against his car door , he was about to nod when he saw who it was . He turned back to his car before pretending he needed to check in with the red racing team , "Win-" the person was left in the background.

Dean had gotten to the track earlier then the rest of the team not to practice , but because he knew that this was his chance to apoglize to Winner for how he acted earlier .

He was upset with Alan benching him so he took it out on winner which not cool , so here he was to apoglize and they never would have to talk to each other off the track .

"Win-" he started but the other just walked off and Ingored Dean and he didn't not like that feeling , he wanted Winner to talk to him on and off the track but not was not the time to figure out his feelings .

Wait- why did he suddenly care that Winner was Ingoring him , did Dean like him? Or did he just care when people were mad at him? Yeah maybe that was it .

"Winner !! Please just hear me out " Dean called out and walked after him , Winner kept avoiding him and walking around the garage and Dean walked after him until a hand stopped him .

It was Kim.

"Give him space , he will come to you when he's ready " Kim patted his back , Dean nodded and looked at Winner one last time before heading to X-hunters space for the race .

{1 year later }

Dean spent most of the time at the track practicing his driving but also spent some time with the gang at Pete's house, which became the teams Club house or meeting area but he would use North's instagram to check on Winner with the hopes that he had unblocked him .

It didn't feel nice to have the one you like, block you out from their life with no promise or hope it was temporary.

He didn't tell anyone how or what happened just that things probably wouldn't ever be fixed with Winner , he was depressed lately and wanted so bad to call Winner tell him and just be in his embrace.

Yea. He was in love with winner but it was a little too late .

But Winner would sometimes check on Dean's account to see how he was doing , he still liked him and it was hard to complete cut him out of his life but Winner was scared .

He was scared that if he unblocked Dean and let him in , he would just hurt him again and Winner would never feel that weak ever again .

But his face froze when he saw a message on Dean's instagram story .

"I miss you , I love you , sorry it took losing to see it , maybe some day we will meet again " and it has a sticker of a racer in the winner circle .

Winner circle

Winner went to the left corner and hit unblock and clicked message but froze , what does one say in a situation like this .

Whatever he was going to say , it had the be in person but this time Dean would have to confess . Winner hit send and watched his message "hi Dean" sit with the unread button next to it , he waited to see if Dean would see it but his anxiety got the best and deleted the message.

" Hi Win"

Winner nearly dropped his phone when he saw Dean had replied back to him , "can we meet?" Dean had sent a new message with a smiley face right next to it .

"Yea, I will come to your garage " Winner replied before shutting off his phone , it was time to go and see Dean for the first time in over a year since the incident.

Dean could not help but smile as he walked back and forth in the garage , "I- like no I'm sorry " Dean spoke back and forth before he felt someone else presence.

"Dean, let's go " Winner's voice made him turn around and he felt a tear fall down his face , Winner walked up to him and wiped away the tear . "Don't cry , I'm sorry I blocked and ingored you " Winner whispered and pulled Dean in for a hug .

"I'm sorry , I don't deserve a chance to be with you " Dean cried and helded onto winner right .

"Shh , im giving you that chance but if you hurt me again I'm dumping you for good " Winner rubbed his boyfriends back and smiled a little .

Their relationship was not perfect and had a lot of misunderstanding , but Dean was his boyfriend and it took them awhile to get here but he was not letting go.

Winner pulled away and looked at Dean who was sniffling and teary eyes , he pulled him in for a kiss and held onto him right because he was never letting him go ever again .

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