03. Love Shot (WinnerDean)

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"You said you were the best racer, then how come you always lose to this babe racer? Maybe you should change your name" Kim chuckled and let go of Winner before walking out of the boxing gym. Winner glared after him and wished he could punch Kim but he was the red racing team Ace and he just wished he could make him mess up but their goal was to mess Babe and the Xhunter team up first .

" watch it" he mumbled after the red hair model who was long gone by now.

Winner scoffed and grabbed his bag and headed outside to his car but froze and hid behind the wall to his right, he slowly looked to see the racer Dean from the other team was at Kim's car and was even talking to him but what shocked him was Kim was laughing even gave Dean a little pat on the back before climbing in his car and driving away.

"You going to stop hiding or do I need to call Kim back?" Dean suddenly said and folded his arms in the direction of Winner who leaned against the wall like he had been caught.

Winner stammered and grabbed his bag and started to walk in the opposite direction before he was met face-to-face with Dean, "I don't have much time because Alan is demanding me back because he can't stay alone with Jeff apparently" Dean finally spoke but WInner froze and tried to look anywhere but at Dean.

Winner just scoffed and tried to move past him, but Dean grabbed his arms and pinned him against the wall. He tried to get loose but Dean held on tight and was smirking at him, "You were jealous weren't you?" He giggled but Winner punched him in the face and ran out from under him.

He didn't see a sad look on Dean's face as he ran away from him, he couldn't get distracted because if he did then Tony would get mad that he became weak due to a racer from the X-hunter team. Dean was now confused and watched Winner disappear as fast as a cloud disappears from the sky during a sunny day, He did not think much of it as he walked to his car to head back to the garage.

Winner did not go directly down to the garage of the red racing team but instead just rolled down the windows of his car, "Why do you affect me so much Dean" Winner whispered and did not even notice a tear was rolling down his cheek before Kim knocked on his door which caused him to wipe them away.

"Are you okay? I can lie about where you are if you need to go home" Kim asked with concern, but Winner got out of his car and pushed Kim a little too hard and started to walk until something stopped him and he turned to see Kim lying down on the ground and he started to walk to him before walking away when he remembered early when he was being close with Dean.

Winner came back a few minutes later and held out his hand to Kim who stayed silent but took it to stand up, "Sorry I asked" Kim said and walked off to which Winner wondered if he was dating Dean, why he did not tell him but then they were not close enough for that so Winner understood and headed back inside his car.

{Meanwhile in the X-hunter garage}

Dean had arrived and was given a lecture from Alan due to being late for practice and to bring Way but then again way was hardly here since he had started dating the team's investor Pete so that wasn't a surprise. "Sorry, I got held up" he replied and went to where Jeff was working on his car, Jeff gave him a look but finished what he was working on and stopped right by him.

"Thinking about Winner?" he whispered to which Dean glared at him before walking over to his car.

"Why would I think about him" Dean whispered to himself and buried himself in being the best racer that he could be, Charlie had been waiting for Babe to come back when he saw that interaction between Jeff and Dean and knew something was going on but didn't want to make Dean mad.

{a few days later}

Dean avoided the red racing team garage but mostly did it to avoid someone inside there, he did not like Winner at all but hated the comments from his team and vowed to only talk to him on the track but not talk to him off the track ever again. Winner smiled when he saw Dean practicing on the track and thought to finally admit to Dean what he was feeling because Kim told him that they were talking about the team but mostly him.

"That means he likes me right?" Winner smiled to himself and approached Dean as he was getting out of his car.

"Hi Dean, Uh could we talk?" He asked but Dean ignored him and headed back to where the X-hunter team was, but Winner grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Dean wait please" Winner started but Dean yanked his hand away from him.

"What do you want? Can not you not be here?" Dean replied coldly.

Winner felt his heart break right there and was trying hard to fight the tears falling down his face, "I do not want you in my life, just stick to your team" Dean pushed Winner down and walked away without looking back, Winner wiped his tears and ran to his car before driving off the track.

Way who had come late due to having a date with Pete right before this track meet, grabbed Dean and pushed him against the wall. "What do you want Way? Why don't you go practice since you need it" Dean yelled at him, But Way did not let go of him but instead, his face changed to an angry face.

"As much as I do not like Winner, what you did was not cool so unless you want me to tell Alan, You will go and apologize to Winner" Way spoke angrily before walking over to where Alan was talking with Babe.

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