Casualty report

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You can see the total casualties and deaths of the WW1 and WW2 countries here...

Russian empire 8,000,000
German Empire 7,500,000
Ottoman empire 6,000,000
Austria Hungary  4,000,000
France 3,000,000
Britain 750,000
Italy 600,000
Serbia/Montenegro 500,000
Belgium 500,000
Bulgaria 400,000
Greece 300,000
America 200,000
Japan >50,000
Others 50,000

USSR (Soviet union) 23,000,000
ROC(China) 20,000,000
Poland 8,000,000
Germany 7,500,000
Japan 6,000,000
Italy 4,000,000
France 3,000,000
Britain 415,000
America 350,000
Norway 300,000
Belgium 150,000
Netherlands 100,000
Others 75,000+

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