A New Life

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'This guy... Is he really some Vampire King?' "OI!" I yelled out to the man. "Are you really some vampire king?"

"Are you really doubting him, Bear?" Ruki asked me as I just shrugged it off. "Your name is Bear huh?" Karlhinez-sama says, as he looked like he was thinking of something. "Your name's now Yuma, Yuma Mukami."

I blinked on confusion. I had no idea what the vampire was talking about. "Huh?" I questioned him.

He then walked over to Ruki, "You are Ruki Mukami now."

Then Kou, "Kou Mukami."

And last then Azusa, "Azusa Mukami."

"You are the Mukami brothers."

"What about Koca?" I said asking him, as I raised a brow, crossing my arms.

"She also will be a Mukami, but as she is the youngest, protect her with all cost. You don't want to lose her, right?" He answered to me, but pointing it out to all of us.

"But what's her condition right now?!" Ruki exclaimed, as I saw how worried he was about her. But I guess he wasn't the only one.

"Shes alive, she just needs the rest, she got shot twice with a bullet that went into her heart, I removed it but she needs rest to regain her strength, but over all the damge that happened to her, she's doing just fine." He said as he went into a room so we followed him, he laid Koca on a bed as went back out closing the door.

"Everyone pick a room, but Yuma stay here, I would like to talk to you."


I gulped as I heard that I had to stay and talk to Karlhinez-Sama. "Y-Yes!" I said stiffing up to him. But that only made him chuckle.

"Don't have to be so up tight," He smiles as I he walked towards the kitchen. "Come with me." I followed him in as I saw a bowl filled white cubes. (Lol 'White Cubes' XD)

"What are those?" I asked pointing to the bowl filled with those white cubes.

"Come, sit." He gestured as I pulled up a chair and sat in it. He took one of the cubes and gave it to me.

"What are these?" I asked raising a brow as I looked at the object or whatever it was in front of me.

"Go on, try it Yuma." I looked at Karlhinez-sama with a confused look but he only gave me a smile, which made me want to facepalm really badly.

I opened my mouth as I threw the thingy in my mouth. I was actually surprised.... I liked the taste it was sweet!! (Bruh.... Its sugar its supposed to be XD)

'And so im guessing he had me taste some kind of food? It's supper sweet I like it, what is it even called?' "So, what do you think?" Karlhinez-sama said as he hand his hands on under his chin.

"Its good!!" I yelled out as I took another one and threw it in my mouth, and so another.

But I just took the entire bowl. "Karlhinez-sama what are these food anyways?" I asked crunching on the white small cubes.

"Their called 'Sugar Cubes' Yuma, their supposed to be used for coffee but who cares."



I went over to Kou as he was in a room he chose, he was then looking out at the window at the moon.

"Kou." I called out to him as he turned his head to me. I snapped my fingers as Kou looked confused at me.

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now