Keep Going

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Keep going to the other side
































Ok Lol no

So if you see this then your very lucky and the entire point of going to next chapters was actually pretty useless XD

Haha you suck guys if you didnt notice it no offence XD

You: You swollow

Me: You choke

You: You digest

Me: You puke

You: You eat-

Me: HAHA wont work since you already threw up XD SAKASSSSS (Lol sounds like "suck ass" XD)

Ok Ok so my news issssss

*drum rolls*

Lost Again is the sequel for Lost One. Its either you search it up and put LostOne both stories will come up. So then please cheak it out if you liked this book, so both give it a vote and a follow me on wattpad since im like.... uh....

Just cool like that

Lol anyways follow me on my main multi fandom on Instagram// Destiny.Star.Fire and you will actually be able to see my face if you do follow me on instagram, and like.... follow my other 6 ones and be all cool and stuff....

Srly i feel like a youtuber...

Lol weird i plan on making a youtube channel anyways lol XDD

If i made one would you like subscribe meeeeeee?

So like seriously i would like to dedicate this entire book to ReverseHaremFan1123 and my Ashleigh-Senpai, since one Lindy,

has been very nice to me and i somehow started to like her since she also is a good author, i rlly love her books since i like read them (And im rlly forgetting a lot to tell my cousin to read your k-pop books like really im stupid =_=) And so i was like, i like her shes really nice and seems to like get nosebleeds fast or something but yhh.. so anyways please follow her i swear she wont bite (She might doe lol XD)

And then my Ashleigh-Senpai since she is like not becuase she loves diabolik lovers and not because shes just my senpai, (well i have like 9 senpais that already noticed me but not the topic and im sure yours will notice you someday) Its because we're also close. Even though she is in America i still respect her as my senpai, we get to talk once in a while when shes not busy with the questions in Instagram, which reminds me follow her on instagram as Askthediabolikbrothers

Lol then anyways follow me on instagram, twitter, snapchat, kik, aaaaand tumblr And youtube as Ai Anime please subscribe me lol. So have a wonderful Whatever time it is there minna!

September. 21 2015





If y'all still don't understand book two is out.

If y'all still don't understand book two is out

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