Sweets, But Not As Much As You

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I was in the kitchen.

Haha stupid but yesh.

Seriously I knew how to make sweets. Well that's pretty much all I know how to make so far anyways.

I was there frostin the cake when O heard a voice talk. "What are you making?" Kanato asked.

"Well I just finished up making a cake of course silly!!" I teased him with a grin. He seemed to gently smile at me.

"Want some?" I asked as I showed him a piece of the cake and he nodded. He put Teddy on the chair as he spoke.

"Can Teddy have some also?" "Of course!! The more the merrier Kanato!!" I nodded as he smiled at me as I gave him the cake.

When he bit it his eyes flung open. "Koca... This is delecious!!" He yelled out.

I jumped like a bat trying to fly up. "I knew you would love it!!" I exclaimed as I also took a piece and ate it. "I never knew I could bake such tasty shweets~~!" I said with a "Mmm" at the end where I had the fork in my mouth.

As I finished the cake I was eating, I went laid in the counter and started to clean the mess I made up.

"Why did you clean it?" Kanato asked as i looked behind me. "I have to." I answered back. "It's just another way of saying 'Thank you' for having me here at the household Kanato."

"But we have a butler, you dont have to do it." He said, his voice filled with a matter of fact.

"Heh, let's just say I'm really nice." I said to myself. "Your really sweet Koca." "Huh?" I looked over to Kanto.

"More then sweets."

I gave a slight chuckle. "Arigatou, Kanato." I thank, as I gave him another piece. "Did Teddy enjoy it?" I asked as he nodded.

"Teddy likes it very much." Grinning, I sat right back down and took another piece. I was in pure bliss because of how tasty this was.

"Hm? Cake? Well, don't mind if I do!" I snapped back to reality, to finding Ayato and Laito starting to eat some of the cake.

"That's my cake..." I heard Kanato utter... And soon he started to cry. The three of us froze as the vampire kept crying.

"N-Ne! Kanato! Stop crying! K-KANATO!"

♤ Edited 4/23/17 ♤

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