Nani? Miss Beatrix?

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After I played with Laito, Ayato and Kanato, I decided to look for the others. And when I did I saw another beautiful women with long orange-blonde hair sitting down as she sat beside a boy with dark purple-black hair reading some book.

I hid behind some book as i watched the boy talk to his mother. "Mother, I have memorized the book." He said but his mother never answered him.

'Hmm I wonder why his mother isnt speaking to him?' I was about to walled forward until I decided not to. It was going back and forth with yes or no.

"Oi, what are you doing here?"

I heard a voice startled me as I jumped backwards falling into the bush I was hiding behind.

I looked at the orange-blonde haired boy with pretty ocean blue eyes as I blew off the leaf on top of my head.

The boy seemed to chuckle a bit before he had his hand out to help me up. I looked at him before shrugging and taking his hand as he helped me stand up.

"Please, don't scare me like that." I said to him as I brushed off the leaves and twigs off my dress.

"But its too late." He told. "I already did." He then went close to me and blew at me. Taking a leaf on top of my nose bridge out.

"Uh, thank you I guess?" I say with unsureness in my tone. "But what are you doing here? Did anyone tell you that these are vampire grounds. Human." He said to me.

"Uh...?" I answered him, not knowing what I should answer to the male. He had a disturbed look on his face before he grabbed my hand and we ran to the women and child. The two looked over to me as I panicked af.

I bowed to them. "GOMENASI FOR DISTURBING." I exclaimed. "I was brought here by the Vampire King. Karlhinez. And I was turned into a vampire from his offer."

"Well then. There is no need to be bowing to us. You were brought here by 'him' anyways." I looked up to the orange-blonde haired women.

"U-uh yes ma'am...!" I exclaimed again as I striaghtened up. "No need to be formal." She said as she came walking down to me. "We're all friends here." She patted my head a little.

"My name is Beatrix. Im the mother of these.... two." She said as i glanced at the two boys.

"This boy here is the head of the Sakamakis and his name is Shu." She looked over to the other boy that was beside me, with a gentle smile.

"And the other one... Is Reiji. He's the second eldest." She the said with little disappointment in her voice.

"My name is Koca. Miss Beatrix." I introduced myself. "A nice one you are." She said to me smilingly. "He choose you with honor for sure." I looked at her and blinked a few times.


"Oh it's nothing." She smiled at me again leaving me nothing but confused. "Um Reiji, what is that book your reading?" I asked but he just glared at me.

"Uh-" I tried to turn around but I just bumped into Shu which made me fall to the ground.

"Ow..." I complained. Shu bent down and had his hand out to me. And of course I took it. "You know your very annoying."

"Eh." I felt like something stabbed my heart. 'Im sorry we just met its rude to call someone annoying when you havet fully known them, Shu.'

"Um we just met and isn't it rather rude-" He cut me off. "But you seem different." She looked at me top to bottom.

"You remind me of someone." He then turned around leaving me. "Eh...." Purple lines came to the side of my forehead, with the feeling like an emo corner...

"I see that you actually know manners." I turned around to see Reiji. But becuase I was to fast I whipped my hair in his face.

My eyes with in shock. "I'm sorry." I said as I went over to him and picked up his glasses.

But before I could give it to him he grabbed my hand. I looked over to him that seemed that he had some serious look on his face.

He snatched the glasses off my hands as he cleaned them and put them on. "You look really nice without your glasses. You should take them off once in a while." I said to him.

He glanced back at me with a gentle smile as if his heart had mealted. But soon he walked away back to Miss Beatrix. I giggled at my spot as I walked away looking if there were more.

♤ Edited 4/23/17 ♤

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