Your So Lazy...

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I was outside feeling the summer breeze, and maybe some time away from the other brothers.

But the one that didn't really cause trouble for me was Shu. He was so lazy. All he is doing right now with me was laying his head on my lap taking a nap.

I wouldn't blame him, it would feel good talking a nap in the summer breeze, correct me if I'm wrong.

As the wind blow his hair was in his eyes. I looked over to him for a few moments before taking the hair out of his face.

Once I finished and was ready to bring my hands back on to my lap, he grabbed my wrist with open eyes staring emotionlessly at me.

"No, keep doing it." He said, I sighed to him before responding. And soon he let go of my wrist.

"Are you going to do this all day?" I asked him as I heard him sigh. He soon sat up and looked over to me.

"Yes." He replied. I sighed at his response, standing up. "No, your not." I said.

He then also stood up, but unfortunately he was taller then me. "Of course I am." He said as he looked at me.

"Sorry, but no." I grabbed his hand dragging him more into the forest. "Where are we going." He asked calmly.

"I don't know, just wandering around really stupidly I suppose." I grinned as he sighed.

Soon after we went through bushes and trees I saw a village. The most horrible scene I have ever seen.

It was in ashes.

Burnt down.

All to the ground.

My eyes widen in the view. "W-what happened-"Aas soon as is started stepping back Shu covered my eyes.

"Don't look." He said. I nodded as he started to turn my so we walked back to the mansion. And once we were there he let go.

I was petrified at what I saw. I trembled at it. My body was shaking non-stop. As I snapped out of my thinking I saw Shu walk inside.

I followed him without a second thought. And once I did I saw him go into his room. I was about to walk in when I heard music.

It was very beautiful. I loved it's sound. It was the sound and music of a violin.

As I opened the door more I saw him playing it. The sound was beautiful. But once he stopped he opened his eyes looking over to me.

"What are you doing in here." His voice literally made chills go down my spine, not the good kind though.

"I heard the music, it was beautiful, so I came in on who was playing it." I answered. He looked at me for moments before sighing.

"Get out."


"I said get out."

"Wait.... Why?"

"Because I said so."

"What if I don't want to?"

He sighed. "Fine." He answered putting the violin down. "But be quiet." I nodded as he laid down on his bed.

He brought out a book that was totally inside a book. I sweatdropped as I saw the sadistic smirk play upon his lips.

Friggin hentai.

He actually has dirty magazines.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of them did.

As he was busy being a pervert, I sighed to myself as I looked over to his violin. 'Maybe I should...-'

'Hi Koca, I am your conscience.'

'When did I get a conscience?'

'Everyone has one you know.'

'Yeah ok.'

'Yeah yeah ok so this is what you do. You DONT touch Shu's violin.'

'And why can I not?'

'Have you ever heard of, he's three years older then you, he's way stronger, he's royal teeeeeeeeeeee, AND he's a guy.'

'What does him being a guy do with this?'

'Just trust me DON'T.'

'I'm me. Sorry but I want to. I have to. And I WILL.'

'Koca no please don't do it I swear you'll regret-'

I walked over to the violin ignoring my other self. As I picked it up, I mesmerized the way he did the notes, and the position.

Elbows a bit up and started playing I suppose. I was actually not bad. I sighed in relief on how I could play something so complicated.

As I kept playing I felt arms around me. My eyes widen to see Shu. I stopped the playing as his hands were on mine as mine holding the violin.

I looked at his bootyful ocean blue eyes as he looked at my purple ones. Our faces were inches away as we were about to kiss. We were about to kiss as he then-

"Shu, mother is calling-"

I pulled away from him as Reiji had entered the room. It was really awkward as I placed the violin down with Reiji and Shu staring at me.

We all looked at each other for quite a while now. But I hated it. I rolled my eyes before dumping myself on Shu's bed.

"It was not what you think." I say nonchalantly as their sighing was hearable. I heard the door close as Shu's footsteps came closer.




"Because what your highness?"

He sighed again as I smirked. "Because I'm going to sleep." As soon as I heard sleep I bolted up.

"Is that what your all going to do the rest of your life now?" I asked raising a brow, looking at the male that sat on the bedside.

"Perhaps." He answered. "Now move, if you aren't getting off just move over then." He stated, as I moved over for him to sleep at. "You know what," I started as he looked at me. "What?"

"Your so lazy."

♤ Edited 4/23/17 ♤

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now